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the windowproc function is an application-defined function that processes messages sent to a window. the wndproc type defines a pointer to this callback function. windowproc is a placeholder(占位符) for the application-defined function name.
lresult callback windowproc( //这里windowproc是个代号名字。
hwnd hwnd, // handle to window
uint umsg, // message identifier
wparam wparam, // first message parameter
lparam lparam // second message parameter
说明:两种函数调用约定(__stdcall 和 __cdecl):
#define callback __stdcall
//__stdcall 标准调用预定,是pascal 调用约定,象delphi使用的就是标准调用约定
#define winapiv __cdecl
// __cdecl 是c 语言形式的调用约定。
主要区别:函数参数传递顺序 和 对堆栈的清除上。
问题:除了那些可变参数的函数调用外,其余的一般都是__stdcall约定。但 c/c++编译默然的是__cdecl约定。所以如果在vc等环境中调用__stdcall约定的函数,必须要在函数声明的时加上 __stdcall 修饰符,以便对这个函数的调用是使用__stdcall约定(如使用delphi编写的dll时候)。
lresult callback windowproc(
hwnd hwnd,
uint umsg,
wparam wparam,
lparam lparam
case wm_paint:
case ...
case wm_close:
case wm_destroy:
//getmessage()取到wm_quit消息后,返回0,退出消息循 // 环,从而终止应用程序。
return defwindowproc(hwnd,umsg,wparam,lparam);
return 0;
//**the destroywindow function destroys the specified window. the function sends wm_destroy and wm_ncdestroy messages。
bool destroywindow(
hwnd hwnd // handle to window to destroy
//**the postquitmessage function indicates to the system that a thread has made a request to terminate (quit). it is typically used in response to a wm_destroy message.
//**the postquitmessage function posts a wm_quit message to the thread's message queue and returns immediately; the function simply indicates(预示,通知) to the system that the thread is requesting to quit at some time in the future.
when the thread retrieves the wm_quit message from its message queue, it should exit its message loop and return control to the system.
void postquitmessage(
int nexitcode // exit code
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