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C.5 Certificate Type Codes
The following values define the certificate type codes used in the SERVER-HELLO and CLIENT-CERTIFICATE messages.
#define SSL_CT_X509_CERTIFICATE 0x01
C.6 Authentication Type Codes
The following values define the authentication type codes used in the REQUEST-CERTIFICATE message.
C.7 Upper/Lower Bounds
The following values define upper/lower bounds for various protocol parameters.
C.8 Recommendations
Because protocols have to be implemented to be of value, we recommend the following values for various operational parameters. This is only a recommendation, and not a strict requirement for conformance to the protocol.
Session-identifier Cache Timeout
Session-identifiers are kept in SSL clients and SSL servers. Session-identifiers should have a lifetime that serves their purpose (namely, reducing the number of expensive public key operations for a single client/server pairing). Consequently, we recommend a maximum session-identifier cache timeout value of 100 seconds. Given a server that can perform N private key operations per second, this reduces the server load for a particular client by a factor of 100.
Appendix D: Attacks
In this section we attempt to describe various attacks that might be used against the SSL protocol. This list is not guaranteed to be exhaustive. SSL was defined to thwart these attacks.
D.1 Cracking Ciphers
SSL depends on several cryptographic technologies. RSA Public Key encryption [5] is used for the exchange of the session key and client/server authentication. Various cryptographic algorithms are used for the session cipher. If successful cryptographic attacks are made against these technologies then SSL is no longer secure.
Attacks against a specific communications session can be made by recording the session, and then spending some large number of compute cycles to crack either the session key or the RSA public key until the communication can be seen in the clear. This approach is easier than cracking the cryptographic technologies for all possible messages. Note that SSL tries to make the cost of such of an attack greater than the benefits gained from a successful attack, thus making it a waste of money/time to perform such an attack.
There have been many books [9] and papers [10] written on cryptography. This document does not attempt to reference them all.
D.2 Clear Text Attack
A clear text attack is done when the attacker has an idea of what kind of message is being sent using encryption. The attacker can generate a data base whose keys are the encrypted value of the known text (or clear text), and whose values are the session cipher key (we call this a "dictionary"). Once this data base is constructed, a simple lookup function identifies the session key that goes with a particular encrypted value. Once the session key is known, the entire message stream can be decrypted. Custom hardware can be used to make this cost effective and very fast.
Because of the very nature of SSL clear text attacks are possible. For example, the most common byte string sent by an HTTP client application to an HTTP server is "GET". SSL attempts to address this attack by using large session cipher keys. First, the client generates a key which is larger than allowed by export, and sends some of it in the clear to the server (this is allowed by United States government export rules). The clear portion of the key concatenated with the secret portion make a key which is very large (for RC4, exactly 128 bits).
The way that this "defeats" a clear text attack is by making the amount of custom hardware needed prohibitively large. Every bit added to the length of the session cipher key increases the dictionary size by a factor of 2. By using a 128 bit session cipher key length the size of the dictionary required is beyond the ability of anyone to fabricate (it would require more atoms to construct than exist in the entire universe). Even if a smaller dictionary is to be used, it must first be generated using the clear key bits. This is a time consumptive process and also eliminates many possible custom hardware architectures (e.g. static prom arrays).
The second way that SSL attacks this problem is by using large key lengths when permissible (e.g. in the non-export version). Large key sizes require larger dictionaries (just one more bit of key size doubles the size of the dictionary). SSL attempts to use keys that are 128 bits in length.
Note that the consequence of the SSL defense is that a brute force attack becomes the cheapest way to attack the key. Brute force attacks have well known space/time tradeoffs and so it becomes possible to define a cost of the attack. For the 128 bit secret key, the known cost is essentially infinite. For the 40 bit secret key, the cost is much smaller, but still outside the range of the "random hacker".
D.3 Replay
The replay attack is simple. A bad-guy records a communication session between a client and server. Later, it reconnects to the server, and plays back the previously recorded client messages.
SSL defeats this attack using a "nonce" (the connection-id) which is "unique" to the connection. In theory the bad-guy cannot predict the nonce in advance as it is based on a set of random events outside the bad-guys control, and therefore the bad-guy cannot respond properly to server requests.
A bad-guy with large resources can record many sessions between a client and a server, and attempt to choose the right session based on the nonce the server sends initially in its SERVER-HELLO message. However, SSL nonces are at least 128 bits long, so a bad-guy would need to record approximately 2^64 nonces to even have a 50% chance of choosing the right session. This number is sufficiently large that one cannot economically construct a device to record 2^64 messages, and therefore the odds are overwhelmingly against the replay attack ever being successful.
D.4 The Man In The Middle
The man in the middle attack works by having three people in a communications session: the client, the server, and the bad guy. The bad guy sits between the client and the server on the network and intercepts traffic that the client sends to the server, and traffic that the server sends to the client.
The man in the middle operates by pretending to be the real server to the client. With SSL this attack is impossible because of the usage of server certificates. During the security connection handshake the server is required to provide a certificate that is signed by a certificate authority. Contained in the certificate is the server's public key as well as its name and the name of the certificate issuer. The client verifies the certificate by first checking the signature and then verifying that the name of the issuer is somebody that the client trusts.
In addition, the server must encrypt something with the private key that goes with the public key mentioned in the certificate. This in essence is a single pass "challenge response" mechanism. Only a server that has both the certificate and the private key can respond properly to the challenge.
If the man in the middle provides a phony certificate, then the signature check will fail. If the certificate provided by the bad guy is legitimate, but for the bad guy instead of for the real server, then the signature will pass but the name check will fail (note that the man in the middle cannot forge certificates without discovering a certificate authority's private key).
Finally, if the bad guy provides the real server's certificate then the signature check will pass and the name check will pass. However, because the bad guy does not have the real server's private key, the bad guy cannot properly encode the response to the challenge code, and this check will fail.
In the unlikely case that a bad guy happens to guess the response code to the challenge, the bad guy still cannot decrypt the session key and therefore cannot examine the encrypted data.
Appendix E: Terms
Application Protocol
An application protocol is a protocol that normally layers directly on top of TCP/IP. For example: HTTP, TELNET, FTP, and SMTP.
Authentication is the ability of one entity to determine the identity of another entity. Identity is defined by this document to mean the binding between a public key and a name and the implicit ownership of the corresponding private key.
Bulk Cipher
This term is used to describe a cryptographic technique with certain performance properties. Bulk ciphers are used when large quantities of data are to be encrypted/decrypted in a timely manner. Examples include RC2, RC4, and IDEA.
In this document client refers to the application entity that is initiates a connection to a server.
The session key that the client uses to initialize the client read cipher. This key has the same value as the SERVER-WRITE-KEY.
The session key that the client uses to initialize the client write cipher. This key has the same value as the SERVER-READ-KEY.
The master key that the client and server use for all session key generation. The CLIENT-READ-KEY, CLIENT-WRITE-KEY, SERVER-READ-KEY and SERVER-WRITE-KEY are generated from the MASTER-KEY.
MD2 [8] is a hashing function that converts an arbitrarily long data stream into a digest of fixed size. This function predates MD5 [7] which is viewed as a more robust hash function [9].
MD5 [7] is a hashing function that converts an arbitrarily long data stream into a digest of fixed size. The function has certain properties that make it useful for security, the most important of which is it's inability to be reversed.
A randomly generated value used to defeat "playback" attacks. One party randomly generates a nonce and sends it to the other party. The receiver encrypts it using the agreed upon secret key and returns it to the sender. Because the nonce was randomly generated by the sender this defeats playback attacks because the replayer can't know in advance the nonce the sender will generate. The receiver denies connections that do not have the correctly encrypted nonce.
Non-repudiable Information Exchange
When two entities exchange information it is sometimes valuable to have a record of the communication that is non-repudiable. Neither party can then deny that the information exchange occurred. Version 2 of the SSL protocol does not support Non-repudiable information exchange.
Public Key Encryption
Public key encryption is a technique that leverages asymmetric ciphers. A public key system consists of two keys: a public key and a private key. Messages encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the associated private key. Conversely, messages encrypted with the private key can only be decrypted with the public key. Public key encryption tends to be extremely compute intensive and so is not suitable as a bulk cipher.
Privacy is the ability of two entities to communicate without fear of eavesdropping. Privacy is often implemented by encrypting the communications stream between the two entities.
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