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● 在关于用例(use case)的描述中,错误的是___(1)___。
● 在用例建模的过程中,若几个用例执行了同样的功能步骤,这时可以把这些公共步骤提取成独立的用例,这种用例称为___(2)___。在UML的用例图上,将用例之间的这种关系标记为___(3)___。
(2)A.扩展用例 B.抽象用例 C.公共用例 D.参与用例
(3)A.association B.extends C.uses D.inheritances
● UML提供了4种结构图用于对系统的静态方面进行可视化、详述、构造和文档化。其中___(4)___是面向对象系统规模中最常用的图,用于说明系统的静态设计视图;当需要说明系统的静态实现视图时,应该选择___(5)___;当需要说明体系结构的静态实施视图时,应该选择___(6)___。
(4)A.构件图 B.类图 C.对象图 D.部署图
(5)A.构件图 B.协作图 C.状态图 D.部署图
(6)A.协作图 B.对象图 C.活动图 D.部署图
● 关于系统总线,以下叙述正确的是___(7)___。
(7) A.计算机内多种设备共乡的数字信号传输通路
This method includes following types of dependcies orprecedence relationships:
___(67)___the initiation of the successor activity, depends upon the completion of the predecessor activity.
___(68)___the initiation of the successor activity, depends upon the initiation of the predecessor activity.
(67) A.F-S B.F-F C.S-F D.S-S
(68) A.F-S B.F-F C.S-F D.S-S
● estimating schedule activity costs involves developing an ___(69)___ of the cost of the resources needed to complete each schedule activity. Cost estimating includes identifying and considering various costing alternatives.for example,in mostapplication areas,additional work during a design phase is widely held to have the potential for reducing the cost of the execution phase and product oprations. the cost estimating process considers whether the expected savings can offset the cost of the additional design work. cost estmates are generally expressed in units of ___(70)___ to facilitate comparisons both within and across projects. the ___(71)___ describes important information about prject requirement that is considered duing cost estimating.
(69) A.accuracy B.approxination C.specification D.summary
(70) A.activity B.work C.currency D.time
(71) A.project scope statement B.statement of work
C.project management plan D.project policy
● The ___(72)___ technique involves using project characteristics in a mathematical model to predict total project cost.models can be simple or complex.
(72) A.cost aggregation B.reserve analysis
C.parametric estimating D.funding limit reconciliarion
● ___(73)___ is ameasurable, verifiable work poduct such as specification.feasibility study report, detail document, or working prototype
(73) A.milestone B.deliverable C.etc D.BAC
● ___(74)___ are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be affected as aresult of project execution or project completion; they may also exert influence over the project and its results.
(74) A.controls B.baselines
C.project stakeholders D.project managers
● ___(75)___ is the process of obtaining the stakeholdrs'formal acceptance of the completed project scope .verifying the scope includes reviewing deliverables and work results to ensure that all were completed satisfactorily.
(75) A.project acceptance B.scope verification
C.scope definition D.WBS Creation
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