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第 6 页:参考答案


  通常在WLAN体系结构中,系统误码率应低于 (60) 。

  (60) A.10-10 B.10-9   C.10-8    D.10-5


  有一脉冲信号周期为20ms,信号有效值状态个数为16。用八进制代码表示上述信号,其数据传输速率是 (61) 。

  (61) A.100b/s B.150b/s C.1 000b/s D.1 500b/s


  在Windows 2003操作系统中,如需要经常对多台计算机进行“远程桌面”管理,可在“运行”窗口中输入 (62) 命令。

  (62)A.command B.msconfig  C.RIS D.MMC


  Windows 2003的活动目录必须安装在 (63) 分区中。

  (63)A.FAT16  B.FAT32  C.NTFS  D.交换


  在Telnet中,引入NVT的主要目的是 (64) 。

  64 A.提升用户使用Telnet的速度 B.为Telnet增加文件下载功能

  C.避免用户多次输入用户名和密码 D.屏蔽不同计算机系统对键盘输入的差异


  下面列出了系统维护工作流程中的几项关键步骤,正确的工作顺序是 (65) 。

  ①用户提交维护申请报告   ②交付使用    ③更新文档  ④测试

  ⑤核实和评价维护申请报告  ⑥制定维护计划  ⑦实施维护

  (65)A.①→⑤→⑥→⑦→④→③→② B.①→⑥→⑤→⑦→③→④→②

  C.①→⑤→⑥→⑦→③→④→② D.①→⑥→⑤→⑦→④→③→②


  One of the difficulties in building an SQL-like query lange for the Web is the absence of a database schema for this huge, heterogeneous repository of information. However, if we are interested in HTML documents only, we can construct a virtual (66) from the implicit structure of these files.Thus, at the highest level of (67) , every such document is identified by its Uniform Resource Locator(URL), has a title and a text Also, Web servers provide some additional information such as the type, length, and the last modification date of a document. So, for data mining purposes, we can consider the site of all HTML documents as arelation:

  Document(url, (68) , text, type, length, modify)

  Where all the (69) are character strings. In this framework, anindividual document is identified with a (70) in this relation. Of course, if some optional information is missing from the HTML document,the associate fields will de left blank, but this is not uncommon in any database.

  (66) A.schema  B.relation  C.platform   D.module

  (67) A.presentation  B.control  C.abstraction  D.protocol

  (68) A.event B.title  C.driver  D.table

  (69) A.characteristics B.1inks  C.typ D.attributes

  (70) A.field  B.relation C.script  D.tuple


  While the Internet is inherently insecure,businesses still need to preserve the privacy of data as it travels over the network .To help do that,the Internet Engineering Task Force an international group of network designers,operators,vendors,and researchers concerned with the evolution of (71) has developed a suite of (72) called Internet Protocol Security(IPSec).

  IPSec creates a standard platform to develop secure networks and electronic (73) between two machines.Secure tunneling via IPSec creates (74) connections in a network through which data packets can move.It creates these tunnels between remote users and within a local network .It also (75) each data packet in a new packet that contains the information neccessary to set up,maintain and tear down the tunnel when it's no longer needed.

  (71)A.channels B.Web browser C.Internet data D.Internet architecture

  (72)A.messages B.protocols C.directories D.certificates

  (73)A.tunnels B.interfaces C.systems D.passwords

  (74)A.conformance B.circuitlike C.searching D.secrecy

  (75)A.supports B.drives C.encapsulates D.transmits


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