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来源:考试吧Exam8.com) 2011-5-19 12:00:31 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  ● The JSP syntax adds additional XML tags, called JSP actions, to be used to (69) built-in functionally. Additionally, the technology allows for the creation of JSP tag libraries that act as extensions to the standard HTML or XML tags. Tag libraries provide a platform (70) way of extending the capabilities of a web server.

  (69) A. use

  B. invoke

  C. use to

  D. allow

  (70) A. independent

  B. dependent

  C. lie

  D. depend on

  ● The IBM Total Storage. SAN File System (based on IBM Storage Tank. technology) is designed to help reduce the complexity of managing files within SANs. The SAN File System is designed as a highly (71) file system for SAN- (72) storage — one that is designed to provide a network-based (73) file system for data sharing and centralized policy-based storage management in an open environment. IBM Total Storage SAN File System is designed to enable host systems to plug-in to a common SAN-wide file structure. With the SAN File System, files and file systems are no longer managed by (74) computers — they are viewed and managed as a centralized IT resource with a single point of administrative control.

  (71) A. available

  B. able

  C. ability

  D. attached

  (72) A. available

  B. able

  C. ability

  D. attached

  (73) A. isomorphic

  B. heterogeneous

  C. same

  D. different

  (74) A. invent

  B. individual

  C. invidious

  D. invite

  ● The SAN File System provides a common file system for UNIX., Windows. and Linux. servers, with a single global (75) to help provide data sharing across servers. It is designed as a highly scalable solution supporting both very large files and very large numbers of files without the limitations normally associated with Network File System (NFS) or Common Internet File System (CIFS) implementations.

  (75) A. namespace

  B. code

  C. named

  D. symbol

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