_(2)_是UNIX操作系统的一个变种,是由Sun公司为自己生产的网络服务器设计的操作系统,早期的产品中有一部分称为SunOS,在2.6版本之后,和SunOS合并为新的7.0版本,并一直延续下去。由于Sun 工作站、小型机在Internet服务方面的卓越成效,使得其已成为Internet 上的操作系统规范之一。
_(3)_是由Windows图形拥护接口和基于OS2的LAN Manager融合后的产物,分为Server和Workstation 两版。其组建的网络是典型的基于客户机/服务器计算机模式的局域网络,并且开始取代其他的局域网操作系统成为中小型企业网络的主流产品。该操作系统提供了功能强大的Backoffice服务器组件,为中小型企业(Small Business)提供企业网络建设。
_(4)_是为数不多的可以工作在微机上的Unix 产品,由芬兰赫尔辛基大学的Linus于1991年开始开发。同UNIX一样,是一个多用户、多任务操作系统,由内核、壳(shell)与应用程序三层构成;可以在普通PC上实现中小型服务器的功能,同时由于IBM等大型服务器厂商宣布对其的支持,使得该操作系统的发展充满光明。
(1): A.Linux B.NetWare C.WindowsNT D.SCO-Unix
(2): A.Solaris B.HP-UX C.AIX D. SCO-Unix
(3): A.Windows 95 B.OS/2 C.Windows NT D. NetWare
(4): A.Minix B. Linux C. Windows 95 D.FreeBSD
(5): A. WindowsNT B. SCO-Unix C. Windows 95 D.Windows for workgroup 答案:BACBD
试题14 In the following essay , each blank has four choices.Choose the most suitable one from the four choices and write down in the answer sheet.
To _(1)_ a TCP connection , that activating atation sends a message to another station.that station responds to the activating station that it is ready to establish a communication session.the first station then responds to confirm the connections and an _(2)_ transfer of data _(3)_ to establish data transfer controls.Connection-oriented sessions are useful for _(4)_ data exchanges or when a _(5)_ permanent connection is necessary.
(1): A.creat B.set up C.produce D.build
(2): A.initial B.empty C.useful D. active
(3): A.tries B.begins C.take place D.prepares
(4): A.short B.prolonged C. user D.
(5): A.very B. prepably C. apparently D.relatively Answers:BACBD
试题15 In the following essay , each blank has four choices.Choose the most suitable one from the four choices and write down in the answer sheet
The key to SNMP _(1)_ is its simplicity.It has a small command set that does a good job of collecting information from _(2)_any network device . In a SNMP environment, _(3)_ of the work is handled by the network management system.Devices that are being managed are not _(4)_ with processing _(5)_ that might affect their performance.
(1): A.popularity B.function C.efficiency D.power
(2): A.many B.almost C.a lot of D. nearly
(3): A.most B.many C.much D.a lot
(4): A.burdened B.influenced C. destroyed D.mitigated
(5): A.time B. power C. speed D.overhead Answer:ABAAD
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