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    breach          破坏,缺口,违背
  attack          攻击
    vulnerability   脆弱性 
  interception    截获,窃听
    penetration     渗入,穿透
  threat          威胁
    exposure        暴露
  fabrication     伪造,建造

Multiple choices.
(1)A computer system is a collection of___.
     a.hardware     b.software
     c.persons      d.data
(2)An intruder may use___to penetrate a computer system.
     a.the most obvious means    b.the less obvious means
     c.any available means       d.one fixed way
(3)A sophisticated perimeter physical security system___.
     a.can compensate for unguarded access by telephone line
     b.can not compensate for unguarded access by telephone line
     c.can compensate for unguarded access by a modem
     d.can not compensate for unguarded access by a modem
(4)The weakest point is___.
     a.the easiest penetration    b.the most serious vulnerability
     c.expected by any intruder   d.difficult to break
(5)The major assets of computing systems are___.
     a.hardware     b.software
     c.data         d.all of them
(6)Interruption can cause asset of system___.
     a.useful          b.unusable
     c.unavailable     d.lost
(7)Unauthorized party can be___.
     a.a computer system      b.a person
     c.legal user             d.a program
(8)Examples of modification include___.
     a.modification of the values in a data base
   b.altering a program
     c.modifying data being transmitted
   d.making the operating system unavailable
(9)Fabrication intrusion includes___.
     a.to add spurious transaction   b.to interrupt a system
     c.to fabricate objects          d.to add records
(10)There are___kinds of threats to the security of a computer system.
      a.three    b.four
      c.five     d.six



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