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来源:本站原创 2006-12-24 0:30:05 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A Short Conversations

1.B) They are puzzled about Mary’s low spirits.

2.A) Go to an art exhibition.

3.C) Her parents laid great emphasis on academic excellence.

4.C) It was filled with people all the time.

5.D) A double blessing has descended upon Tom.

6.B) The examination was well beyond the course content.

7.C) It’s part of his job.

8.D) He usually understates his achievements.

9.B) It’s absurd.

10. A) Arrange accommodation for her.


Section B Short Passages

11. D) Setting up a special museum.

12. C) To promote interest in American decorative arts.

13. A) By theme or period.

14. A) People may use two or more languages.

15. B) Arabic spoken in one Arab country may not be understood in another.

16. C) It’s uncertain whether English will be the world language in the future.

17. D) Because they think blind people should learn to live among sighted people.

18. A) By encouraging them to be more self-reliant.

19. B) Modern technology.

20. D) Apply to the national Federation of the Blind for scholarships.


Part II Reading Comprehension

21. A) his son was not as thrilled by the roller coaster rider as expected

22. D) even if they are exposed to more kinds of entertainment

23. C) ever-changing thrilling forms of recreation

24. C) creating more stimulating activities for them

25. A) adjusting the pace of life and intensity of stimulation

26. C) corporate loyalty

27. B) maximizing their profits at the expense of workers

28. C) a higher rate of unemployment

29. B) making monetary contributions to decision-makers

30. D) To urge the middle class to wake up and protect their own interest

31. C) settle the dispute on stem cell research quickly

32. A) interested businesses and individuals

33. D) have to raise money to build separate labs

34. A) human stem cells are used in the research

35. B) he did not want to offend its opponents

36. D) tenants renting a house over a year

37. B) appropriate housing may not be readily available

38. C) tenants have done damage to the house

39. D) To make it easier for the State Assembly to pass the bill

40. A) both bills are likely to be made state laws 

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辅导科目名称 英语四级 英语六级 报名
类别 主讲老师 课时 试听 主讲老师 课时 试听
VIP全程保过班 王江涛 等 160.6 试听 屠皓民 等 108.2 试听 报名
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精品全程班 王江涛 等 148 试听 俞敏洪 等 119 试听 报名
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