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Part I
Section B Compound Dictation
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time. You should listen carefully for its general idea. Then listen to the passage again. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from  S1 to S7 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 you are required to fill in the missing information. You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

    After retiring from 30 years of teaching, Ethbell Pepper could easily have decided to sit back and   S1  and enjoy a peaceful  S2   . But that kind of life is not for Ethbell Pepper. “I just wanted to do something different. If you are going to  S3   in life, do it. Don’t just sit down and look out the window.” She says. At 68, she decided to become one of the  S4  participants in a program at the University of California. The program offers  S5  housing and classes to people over sixty. She  S6   in a class called Human Relationships and  S7 Society. S8 “                                       . But in this course, I found out a lot about other cultures I didn’t know then. S9                                               .”
Older adults can add to the educational resources of the university by bringing with them a lot of valuable experience. Their presence on campus helps break some long beliefs about aging. Young students may have fears of growing older. S10                                      . The younger students can begin to see aging as a natural part of living.

Part IV  Short Answer Questions (15 minutes)
Directions: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words ( not exceeding 10 words ).
    The way our society is structured affects all human relationships. Outside the home we have a system of power relationship: worker/employer, individual/state, etc, and most people feel particularly powerless if their specific situation is beyond their control. The resultant stresses need outlets.
    There are many different outlets. Many of us are inclined at least sometimes to take out our frustration(挫折)on people nearest to us. The kind of destructive outlet that a woman uses may be physical—either against her husband or children—but more often it is directed towards her children who cannot walk out. Commonly, women turn violent feelings inwards: twice as many women as men suffer from depression(抑郁症). Women are the most vulnerable(脆弱的)to depression. As far as men are concerned, they have been brought up to use their fists—and even encouraged to do so. So a man’s outlet can, in its extreme form, involve physical violence against his wife and family. Many women have no way to escape: they cannot easily leave home. Compared with men, women are relatively powerless.
    Women are expected to look after their children. Many women are consequently totally dependent on their husbands-incomes, or earn a little money at part-ime, low-paid jobs. Fathers, on the other hand, are not seen by society as responsible for the care of their children. A man can still drink all his earnings if he wishes. One of the reasons some women put up with beating for so long is because they are concerned about how they could bring up the children with little money on their own if they left. Often, women finally leave only when they fear that their children are themselves in physical or mental danger from their fathers.
S1. Human relationships outside and inside the home are based on       .
S2. Physical violence a woman imposes on her children serves as an example of         .
S3. Why does the author think women are easier to suffer from depression?
S4. What is mens role in the eyes of  the society, according to this passage?
S5. Women would not put up with beating and chose to leave home if  financially           .
Part V  Writing(30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Colleges have Opened their Doors Wider. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.


试卷一答案Keys & Notes to Model Test One
Part I Listening Comprehension
1C2C3 B4D5C6B7D8B9B10B
Part II Reading Comprehension
21 A22C23A24B25D26C27A28D29D30C
Part III Vocabulary
41B42 A43D44A45B46D47D48D49B50C
51B52A53C54C55B56C57D58 A59B60C

试卷二答案Keys & Notes to Model Test Two
Part I Listening Comprehension
1C2D3 A4B5B6C7D8D9B10B
Part II Reading Comprehension
21 A22B23D24C25B26D27C28D29A30B
Part III Vocabulary
41B42 C43C44D45A46A47B48D49C50C
51C52B53C54A55C56C57B58 D59D60D


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