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Part III                    Vocabulary                         (20 minutes) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences it: this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose cite ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
41. The beam that is ________by a laser differs in several ways from the light that comes out of a flashlight.
A) emitted                    B) transmitted        C) discharged            D) expelled

42.   He is a boy of promise; he never fails to ________ the expectation of his parents and teachers.
A) live up with              B) stand up with     C) live up to             D) stand up for

43.   It is indeed much more difficult to ________ a social reform on a large scale than just to talk about it. 
A) bring up                   B) bring forward    C) bring about           D) bring in

44. No matter how ________ a hill may be, it is not necessarily worthless.
A) vacant                     B) bare                  C) empty               D) hollow

45. When I took his temperature, I found it was two degrees above ________.
A) average                    B) ordinary            C) regular              D) normal

46. This newly-built grand theatre has a seating ________ of ten thousand audience.
A) volume                    B) capacity            C) power               D) capability

47. Finding a job can be ________and disappointing, and therefore it is important that you are prepared.
A) exploiting                B) frustrating         C) profiting             D) misleading

48.   The existing government has been ________ great importance to the improvement of the quality of education.
A) concentrating            B) attaching           C) focusing             D) contributing

49.   After a day’s fierce fighting, the enemy finally had to ________ their troops from the occupied area.
A) retreat                       B) return               C) dismiss              D) withdraw

50.   He was very ________ to go, but he had no other choice.
A) resolute                     B) hesitant             C) willing              D) reluctant

51.   I wandered through the cool ________ of the forest trees.
A) shadow                     B) shade                C) shelter              D) shape

52.   The National Safety Council urges drivers and passengers to wear seat belts as a ________ against injury.
A) caution            B) precaution      C) security             D) safety

53.   You can ________ different kinds of people, dictionaries or maps, to find out what you wish to know.
A) contact            B) consult              C) refer               D) request

54.   The bus ran over the cliff on the way back to the camp because its ________ failed.
A) controls            B) gears          C) brakes             D) signals

55.   My cousin ________ his playground plans to the City Council.
A) subjected           B) yielded        C) submitted           D) surrendered

56.   Mrs. Jones was born in Germany and still speaks English with a German ________.
A) pronunciation       B) dialect          C) trace                D) accent

57.   Before moving to another city, Mr. London ________ of the horse and the furniture.
A) discarded          B) dismissed       C) discharge            D) disposed

58.   Unfortunately, the rate of his expenditure ________ that of his income.
A) precedes               B) dominates           C) exceeds              D) prevails

59. He obviously displays a great________  for some of your poems.
A) consent           B) admiration       C) respect               D) pleasure

60. A series of border incidents would ________ lead the two countries to war.
A) inevitably         B) consistently      C) uniformly             D) persistently

61. Louis was asked to ________  the man who stole her purse.
A) confirm          B) recognize         C) claim                D) identify

62. The captured criminals were  ________  in chains through the streets.
A) exhibited         B) displayed         C) paraded              D) revealed

63. Teaching students of threshold level is hard work but the effort is very ________ .
A) precious         B) rewarding         C) worth                D) challenging

64. The explorer lost his way so he climbed to the top of the hill to  ________ himself. 
A) spot            B) locate             C) place                D) situate

65. While some office jobs would seem________ to many people, there are quite a few jobs that are stimulating, exciting and satisfying. 
A) hostile          B) tedious            C) fantastic             D) courageous

66. After the collision, he examined the considerable________ to his car.
A) ruin            B) destruction         C) damage             D) injury

67. Recycling wastes slows down the rate________which we use up the Earth’s finite resources.
A) in              B) of                C) with                D) at

68. In many cultures people who were thought to have the ability to ________ dreams were likely to be highly respected. 
A) interpret       B) interfere            C) inherit              D) inform

69. When he applied for a ________in the office of the local newspaper he was told to see the manager.
A)vocation         B) profession          C) career              D) position

70. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on ________ .
A) consciousness    B) impulse           C) instinct              D) response

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