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Part ⅠListening Comprehension
1. B2. A3. C4. B5. A6. B7. D8. B9. C10. D

Part ⅡReading Comprehension
11. B12. D13. A14. C15. C16. A17. D18. C19. C20. B
21. D22. B23. C24. D25. A26. B27. C28. A29. B30. C

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary
31. C32. D33. A34. B35. B36. A37. A38. D39. A40. D
41. B42. B43. D44. A45. C46. B47. D48. C49. B50. D
51. A52. B53. D54. A55. D56. C57. C58. A59. D60. A

Part Ⅳ Cloze
61. C62. A63. B64. D65. B66. A67. C68. D69. B70. D
71. A72. C73. B74. D75. A76. C77. B78. C79. A80. D


Part ⅠTapescript of Listening Comprehension

Section A

1. M: Excuse me, could you tell me where Dr. Brown’s office is?
W: The doctor’s office is on the fifth floor, but the elevator can only go to the fourth. So you’ll have to use the stairs to reach there. It’s the seventh room on the left.
Q: On which floor is the doctor’s office?

2. M: Did you hear about the computer that John bought from Morris?
W: He got a bargain(便宜货),didn’t he?
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

3. W: Your sister Jane didn’t recognize me at first.
M: I’m not surprised. Why on earth don’t you lose some weight?
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

4. M: Between the two houses we saw yesterday, which one do you prefer?
W: I think the white one is prettier, but the brick one has a bigger yard, so I like it better.
Q: Which house does the woman prefer?

5. M: It sure is hot today. This must be the hottest summer in years.
W: Well, it’s certainly hotter than last summer. I was out in the sun today, and I think I’m five pounds lighter than I was this morning.
Q: What does the woman mean?

6. M: I heard the student bus was overturned(翻倒)in a traffic accident.
W: Yes, and what’s more, no one on the bus was not injured.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

7. W: Hello, Robert. What are you doing here? Drawing money?
M: No. I only want to put some money in my deposit account(储蓄账户). Not very much, but I’m trying to save.
Q: What is the man doing?

8. M: Oh, no, I am not lazy. You should have seen my school report! They said I was reliable, industrious and conscientious.
W: Well, teachers nowadays expect too little.
Q: What does the woman think of teachers nowadays?

9. W: Don’t worry about it, Stanley. There’s nothing we can do now.
M: I can’t help it, Stella. If I’d been thinking, this wouldn’t have happened.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

10. M: You look very nice in this dress. Perhaps the waist is little too tight. Would you like to try a size larger?
W: Well, the style isn’t quite what I had in mind. Thank you anyway.
Q: Why didn’t the woman buy the dress?

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