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62. There is the possibility that setting maximum rent may .
A) cause a shortage of apartments
B) worry those who rent apartments as homes
C) increase the profits of landlords
D) encourage landlords to invest in building apartment
63. According to the critics, rent control .
A) will always benefit those who rent apartments
B) is unnecessary
C) will bring negative effects in the long run
D) is necessary under all circumstances
64. The problem of unemployment will arise .
A) if the minimum wage is set too highB) if the minimum wage is set too low
C) if the workers are unskilledD) if the maximum wage is set
65. The passage tells us .
A) the relationship between supply and demand
B) the possible results of government controls
C) the necessity of government control
D) the urgency of getting rid of government controls
66. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The results of economic decisions can not always be predicted.
B) Minimum wage can not always protect employees.
C) Economic theory can predict the results of economic decisions if other factors are not changing.
D) Economic decisions should not be based on economic theory.
Part ⅤCloze (15 minutes)
Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D) on the right side of the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
In recent years, more and more foreigners are involved in the teaching programs of the United States. Both the advantages and the disadvantages67 using
foreign faculty(教师总称)68 teaching positions have
to be69 , of course. It can be said that the foreign
70 that makes the faculty member from abroad an
asset also71 problems of adjustment, both for the university and for the individual. The foreign research scholar usually isolates72 in the laboratory as a
means of protection;73 , what he needs is to be fitted
74 a highly organized university system quite different
from75 at home. He is faced in his daily work
76 differences in philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of teaching. Both the visiting professor and his students77 a common ground in each other's
cultures, some78 of what is already in the minds of
American students is79 for the foreign professor.
While helping him to80 himself to his new
environment, the university must also81 certain
67. A) with B) for C) of D) at
68. A) in B) on C) for D) within
69. A) thought B) measured C) balanced D) considered
70. A) situation B) circumstances C) background D) condition
71. A) carries B) create C) emerges D) solves
72. A) himself B) oneself C) him D) one
73. A) otherwise B) moreover C) however D) whatever
74. A) into B) by C) to D) with
75. A) those B) which C) what D) that
76. A) toward B) with C) toD) at
77. A) have B) possess C) need D) lack
78. A) concept B) feeling C) plan D) intelligence
79. A) ordered B) asked C) put D) required
80. A) place B) adapt C) put D) direct
81. A) remain B) keep C) make D) cause
adjustments in order to82 full advantage of what the
newcomer can83 . It isn't always known how to make
84 use of foreign faculty, especially at smaller
colleges. This is thought to be a85 where further
study is called86 . The findings of such a study will be of value to colleges and universities with foreign faculty.
82. A) take B) make C) do D) be
83. A) show B) afford C) express D) offer
84. A) powerful B) creative C) imaginary D) advanced
85. A) scope B) range C) field D) district
86. A) on B) for C) upon D) at

Part ⅥTranslation (5 minutes)

Direction:Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.
87. She (对我们的警告充耳不闻) and got lost.
88. That Canadian speaks Chinese (和他说英语一样流利).
89. (Tony 是否来) doesnt matter much. We can rely on ourselves.
90. On hearing the news, I (忍不住笑起来)and spread it among the class.
91. Not until Alice had a baby of her own (她才了解)how hard it was for her mother to have brought up her sister and her on her own.


Part ⅠWritingAidEducation in China
Each year, college students, encouraged to aid students in the poverty—stricken areas, volunteer themselves in poor villages for a year and try to improve education in poor areas.
Aid—education has been beneficial in two aspects. On the one hand, college volunteers are really devoted to the cause. They have opened the eyes of students in underdeveloped regions to the outside world by bringing them new knowledge and thoughts. As a result, they are extremely well—received by the children there. On the other hand, college students have received a rigorous training by adapting to the harsh living conditions. They are enjoying the appreciation and no—distance friendship from the children. What's more, they are greatly inspired by the moving and tireless spirit of the children.
In my opinion, China's educational development can't be isolated from each individual and we college students should take the lead in response to the appeal for offering aid to children in poor areas.
Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
1. Y. 该句句意为:巨大河流改道水利工程导致咸海缩小。解题依据为本文第二段倒数第二句话 As a result, the sea has shrunk to half its original size… (结果,咸海缩减至原来的一半…),与原文之义吻合。
2. N. 该句句意为:巨坝和灌溉工程的建设好处多于坏处。解题依据为本文第三段第二句话But many countries continue to build massive dams and irrigation systems, even though such projects can create more problems than they fix. (虽然产生更多问题,许多国家仍继续建巨坝和灌溉工程。)由此可知,坏处多于好处,所以该题与原文之义不合。
3. Y. 该句句意为:缺水的主要原因是人口增长和水污染。本题解题依据可定位到本文第四段第一句话 Growing populations will worsen problems with water… 及第十一段第一句话But almost everyone contributes to water pollution. 两者都是水资源缺乏的原因,与原文之义相符。
4. Y. 该句句意为:美国人面临的有关水的问题为地下水的减少和污染。本题解题依据为第七段第二句话和第八段第三句话,这两句话加在一起即为美国人所面临的水资源方面的问题,与原文之义相符。
5. N. 该句句意为:根据这篇文章,所有水的污染都来自于家庭废弃物。本题解题依据为第十一段最后一句话…70 percent of the pollutants could be traced to household waste (百分之七十的污染物源于家庭废弃物),据此,本题之意与原文之义不合。
6. N. 该句句意为:美国人将不会面临缺水问题。该题解题依据为文章第七段第二句话 But Americans could face serious water shortages, too, especially in areas that rely on groundwater, 显然本题之意与原文之义不合。
7. NG.该句句意为:水利专家Gleick 提供了与水相关的最佳解决方案。根据本文第十三段第一句话所述,专家Gleick 并未提供任何最佳解决方案。
8. one—third. 解题依据为第四段最后一句话。
9. glaciers and ice caps. 解题依据为第五段第二句话。
10. water pollution. 解题依据为第十段第二句话。

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