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Key to Model Test Two

Part I Writing




Generation Gap

Generation gap seems a hot topic between the old and the young. Parents complained that children didn’t show them proper respect and obedience, while children complained that their parents didn’t understand them at all. Often they discover that they have very little in common.

One cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life. In traditional societies, children live in the same area as their parents, marry people their parents know and approve of, and often continue the family occupation.

In our society, people often move out of the home at an early age, marry or live with people their parents have never met, and choose occupations that are rather different. Parents often expect their children to be better than them. However, these ambitions for their children are another cause of the division between them.

Finally, the speed of change in our society is another cause of it. In a traditional culture, people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date.

No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a feature of our life. Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society, and in the rapid pace at which society changes.

Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

1. 【解析】Y本文主要叙述了垃圾掩埋法的过程和用途,这正是全文主旨所在,因此是正确的。

2. 【解析】Y本题答案可见文章第二段。Some gets recycled or recovered and some is burned, but the majority is buried in landfills.由此可见,大部分的垃圾都是被掩埋了。

3. 【解析】N由文章第四段可见本题是错误的。The United States ranks somewhere in the middle of the major countries in landfill disposal.美国出于这些国家的中间位置。

4. 【解析】N由文中这一句可以看本题错误的。A landfill is not like a compost pile, where the purpose is to bury trash in such a way that it will decompose quickly. 可见,垃圾掩埋并不像混合肥料堆那样。

5. 【解析】Y大多数国家垃圾掩埋的地址都是有规定和规则的。从文中这句话可以看出这句话是正确的。In most parts of the world, there are regulations that govern where a landfill can be placed and how it can operate.

6. 【解析】N在副标题为proposing the landfill部分的第二段说到In the United States, taking care of trash and building landfills are local government responsibilities.由此可见,在美国垃圾掩埋是地方政府的责任,与联邦政府无关,因此答案是错误的。

7. 【解析】NG危险垃圾在被掩埋之前是否经过处理这一信息在文中并未提到。

8. 【解析】municipalities and construction companies在副标题为how is a landfill operated部分中第一段就给出了答案。

9. 【解析】$10 to $40在副标题为how is a landfill operated部分中第三段第三句话。

10.【解析】drop off stations在副标题为how is a landfill operated部分中第四段的第一句话。



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