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来源:恩波 2008-11-29 13:35:28 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场


  1. Whitening is as important as wearing sunscreen. For dry skins, moisturizing products are a must. Laneige Water Sleeping Pack (RMB 150) is a good choice.

  2. For sensitive skins, Nuskin Aloe Vera Gel complements sun block creams. Washing your face with lemonade stops skin from darkening and is refreshing.

  3. Never use body sun block creams on your face. Use special facial sun block creams. For drier skins, Chanel UV Essential SPF45 (RMB 450) is nice, but Shu Uemura UV under Base DF (RMB 350) is much fresher.

  If you’re going to a small town:

  Typical resorts: Lijiang, Yunnan; Zhouzhuang, Jiangsu; Phoenix, Zhejiang

  Typical weather: 11-25℃ with a lot of ultraviolet radiation

  As depicted in Teresa Teng’s popular song Xiaocheng Gushi (Small Town Romances), small-secluded charming Chinese towns are the scene of many romances. Pebble tracks, winding lanes and ancient low villas make romantic backdrop for lovers wandering hand-in-hand. To prepare for a romantic and sweet stay in a small town, take note of the following:

  1. Go easy on the make up! To match your light-hearted mood we recommend the minimum of make-up. Basic skin care to keep your face healthy and glowing is enough.

  2. Wear flirtatious (俏皮的) colors for special nights.

  Liquid foundation in heavy glass bottles and powdered blush or eye shadow is not easy to carry. So we recommend sun-blocking pressed powder, two-in-one brow pencil and eye liners, and products that can be used on both lips and cheeks.

  3. Make-up removal.

  Remember to remove sun block creams at night. Try a moisturizing and relaxing mask, and we promise you a renewed glowing complexion the next day.

  Recommended skin care products

  1. SPF15/PA+sun block face cream. Its small size makes Freeplus UV Day Protector (RMB 190, sun block and moisturizer) a good choice.

  2. A multi-functional cosmetic case. Bobbi Brow’ns hand-sized palettes (RMB 380), including a foundation stick, creamy concealer, corrector, and sheer finish pressed powder are convenient.

  3. Clear foundation. Maybelline Mousse White Stay (RMB 89) the mousse-like texture makes this foundation light, breathable, and easy to carry.

  4. Make up remover. Lancome’s mild Gentle Clarifying and Cleaning Fluid (small set) is perfect for traveling and it does a good job of removing all make-up thoroughly.


  1. Apart from your daily skin care routine, traveling girls may also need protective lip cream, mascara (Maybelline is a good cheap choice), and fragrance (Try Anna Sui’s fresh Secret Wish Eau de Toilette).

  2. For lazy girls, base creams are especially useful. Wearing just a base foundation cream is enough and saves the trouble of constantly reapplying foundation at romantic moments. Others may try creamy concealers and pressed powers. Adding blush (Watsons small tubes of blush are cheap/RMB20-30 and works well) will give a healthy glow.

  If you’re going mountaineering:

  Typical resorts: Huashan, Shanxi; Huangshan, Anhui; Shennongjia, Sichuan

  Typical weather: 10-20℃, a high level of ultraviolet radiation and dry air.

  Boys often complain that mountaineering girls with their disheveled (凌乱的) hair and no make up don’t look attractive. In response to this, we recommend you use absolutely no make up except for basic skin care. But looking beautiful without the aid of make up isn’t easy! With all your mountaineering equipment in your backpack, there isn’t much room for skin care products. The key is to choose the most important ones only, such as the following:

  1. Moisturizing products.

  Moisturizing and hydrating creams and masks help you become both sporty and ladylike.

  2. Sun block products.

  Even though the sunshine is usually not too strong in the mountains, you should take care not to be burned by ultraviolet radiation. Fresh breathable SPF20-30 sun block products are recommended.

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