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来源:恩波 2008-12-3 15:12:47 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Q: How did Mrs.Harrison respond?

  Now you’ll hear two long conversations.

  Conversation One

  W: What a day! I’m exhausted.

  M: Well it’s not over yet.

  W: Yeah, but it’s over for me. I have to go back home and be there when the kids get home.

  M: Oh, that’s right. I have to go back to the office. My lawyer is waiting there to talk about a contract dispute we have with one of our clients. How long does it usually take you to get home from here?

  W: It depends on traffic. Sometimes I can get home within half an hour. I should be home today around 5 pm.

  M: It’s so convenient that your office is so close to the fourth ring road. I sometimes have to fight traffic for an hour just to get to the third ring.

  W: I know. Hey, will you get home tonight in time to watch “That’s Incredible!”?

  M: I hope so. That’s my favorite program. I love all those weird things people do.

  W: I’ll be watching it too.Well if your meeting goes too late,give me a call and I’ll record it.

  M: Thanks. I may do that. I might have to miss it tonight if my boss decides on our business trip to Shanghai tomorrow. Then I’ll have to stay later to get ready.

  W: Oh I hate going to Shanghai.

  W: It’s not that bad. I would like to know earlier, however.

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19.Why was the woman anxious to go back home?

  20.What did the man think of the woman’s trip between office and home?

  21.What do you know about the program “That’s Incredible!”?

  22.Why might the man miss the program?

  Conversation Two

  M: Hi, Vivian. What are you doing here?

  W: Hi, Steve. I’m having a bit of trouble finding some of the stuff I need.

  M: What’re you looking for?

  W: Well, I’m just trying to find out something about the use of steel in building construction. Do you have any idea?

  M: Frankly, I don’t know much about this. What about the library? There’s a database on the computer, and most of the stuff you need is catalogued. You can find it somewhere.

  W: Yes, but that’s the easy part! Then you have to find the book you want on the shelves, and you often find that it’s out already.

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