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来源:恩波 2008-12-4 9:38:40 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Q: What does the man mean?Now you’ll hear two long conversations.

  Conversation One

  M: Excuse me, I understand that this office helps students with housing. Is that right?

  W: Are you a student in the intensive English program? May I see your ID card? Um, yes, we can certainly help you. Where are you staying now?

  M: I just arrived yesterday. I’m staying at the hotel across the street.

  W: Okay, please complete this form. Will you be living alone or do you have a family with you? Or, would you be interested in sharing housing?

  M: Yes, I have a wife and child. They aren’t here yet, but they’ll be coming as soon as I am settled in. My daughter is 4.

  W: We have two choices available. This two-bedroom is two blocks from campus, but it doesn’t have central heat and air. There is a slot in the wall for a unit air conditioner if you want one. It’s $ 500 a month. Then, for $ 650 a month, there is this one. It’s in a modern apartment complex, about 10 minutes from the university by bicycle, but it’s closer to shopping, a movie theater, and other things. And the complex has a swimming pool and laundromat(自助洗衣店).

  M: Could I see them both? I’m not sure which I would want at the moment. Sure I’d love to be closer to school, but my wife and daughter would probably like the benefits of the other one.

  W: Sure. We can go right now if you would like.

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. Where is the man living currently?

  20. What size apartment does the man need?

  21. What does the man think is the most important difference between the two apartments the woman discusses?

  22. What is the biggest drawback of the less expensive apartment according to the woman?

  Conversation Two

  M: Excuse me. My watch stopped running and I’m not sure what’s wrong with it.

  W: Well, let me look at it.

  M: OK. It’s a new watch. I’ve only had it for about a year.

  W: Hmm. It seems that it just needs a new battery. They only last about a year, you know.

  M: Oh, that’s a relief. I was hoping it wasn’t broken or something. In fact, last week I got some water on it and I was afraid that the water might have ruined it. How much is a new battery?

  W: It’s six ninety-nine plus tax.

  M: Oh dear, that seems like a lot. I thought my friend said she paid about three ninety-nine for a battery.

  W: Well, she may have. But we’re a watch repair shop and we install your battery and then guarantee it for a year. If you have the watch cleaned here we guarantee it for an additional three months.

  M: Well, I guess you get what you pay for. I’ll get my battery here. How long will it take to put it in?

  W: Usually I can do it right away, but right now I’m way behind in my repair of a large shipment of watches. They all need to be fixed by this afternoon. Can you leave your watch here until about 5 P.M.?

  M: Oh dear. I’m afraid I can’t. I need to get back and I have to work this evening. So I couldn’t pick it up by five. And I have to have it by tomorrow.

  W: Well, then maybe I can just squeeze it in now. It’ll only take a few minutes. Can you wait?

  M: OK. I’d really appreciate that. Sure, I’ll wait.

  W: OK. Just sit down over there. I’ll have it fixed in a few minutes.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. What is the problem with the man’s watch?

  24. How much did the man’s friend pay for a battery?

  25. What is special about the shop’s service?

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