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来源:恩波 2008-12-4 9:38:40 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

  Undoubtedly the globe is getting hotter and hotter. The unavoidable questions are: How much responsibility shall we take for warming, and are we 47 to stop the destruction by limiting our insatiable 48 for natural fuels?

  It seems that global warming is too 49 to be worried about, or too unpredictable. The computer 50 cannot define what the weather is like next week. In cold winter day it might be considered that a little warming would be a fair thing. And doubtlessly: Alarming about 51 alteration may sound like an environmentalist frightening strategy, aiming to urge humans to walk and keep the world cleaner.

  However, based on the data collected by scientists, bad news are brought to our living media.

  From California to the snowy peaks of China, the air is heating up right now, and the globe is being fast warmed, the 52 has increased by 1 ℉ compared with the past century. In addition, some parts like remote places have been in a much hotter state. The results aren’t satisfactory, ice being 53 , rivers running dry, and coasts being 54 , threatening villages and cottages.

  The 55 are gradually occurring without any obvious phenomenon. But they shouldn’t slip our mind, because they can pose as a great potential threat to the 56 world.

  A) remote

  B) technology

  C) composing

  D) whole

  E) voluntary

  F) climate

  G) skill

  H) desireI) melting

  J) vanishing

  K) eroded

  L) temperature

  M) amazement

  N) changes

  O) clever

  Section B

  Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  Passage One

  Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

  It is 4 o’clock in the early morning.Everything but the computing room on the campus of the university appears as quiet and misty as the mysterious hell. In the computing room, 30 students crumpled with blurred eyes, sit still at their desk, thumping the dirty and worn keys. Staring at the colorful screen, they tap continuously for hours. For the other parts in the world, it might be in the midst of the night, nevertheless here time represents nothing. It is an utterly enclosed field. These young computer “hackers” are tracing a sort of stimulus; a drive so exciting and absorbing it downplays nearly anything else in their lives and founds as the focus their being. They are compelled computer programmers. Some of these students have been glued to the console for no less than twenty hours even with no break for meals or rest. Some have been sleeping on sofas and lounge chairs in the computing room, trying to struggle for a few moments’rest but hate to get too far away from their addicted machines.

  It is no necessary for most of these students to be at the computing room in the middle of the night. What they are working belong to no assignments. They remain there because they desire to be—they can not resist the attraction of the computers.

  Furthermore they are in groups instead of alone. There are hackers at computing rooms all over the country. In the unimaginable way, they focus on nothing but computer. They escape from schooling and live beyond friendship; they might have difficulty being employed, choosing to travel from one computing room to another. They may even abandon personal health.

  “There is one hacker in my memory. We actually had to lift him away from his chair to feed him and arrange him to rest and sleep. We truly worried about his health,” says a computing science professor at California University.

  Professors of computer science are nowadays shedding more light on this hacker phenomenon and are on the watch for latent hackers and more and more severe computer addictives. They are sober that hackers are not simply resulted from the close relationship with a machine. It is the result of social relationship with the attractive thinking machines, which are becoming nearly universal.

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