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来源:恩波 2008-12-4 9:38:40 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  57. We can learn from the passage that those at the computing room in the middle of the night are .

  A) students working on a program

  B) students using computers to amuse themselves

  C) hard-working computer science majors

  D) students deeply fascinated by the computer

  58. Which of the following is NOT true of those young computer “hackers”?

  A) Most of them are top students majoring in computer programming.

  B) For them, computer programming is the sole purpose for their life.

  C) They can stay with the computer at the centre for nearly two days on end.

  D) Their “love” for the computer is so deep that they want to be near their machines even when they sleep.

  59. It can be reasonably inferred from the passage that .

  A) the“hacker”phenomenon exists only at university computing rooms

  B) university computing rooms are open to almost everyone

  C) university computing rooms are expecting outstanding programmers out of the“hackers”

  D) the“hacker”phenomenon is partly attributable to the deficiency of the computing rooms

  60.The author’s attitude towards the “hacker” phenomenon can be described as .

  A) affirmative B) contemptuous C) anxious D) disgusted

  61. Which of the following may be the most appropriate title for the passage?

  A) The Charm of Computer Science

  B) A New Type of Electronic Toys

  C) Compulsive Computer Programmers

  D) Computer Addicts

  Passage Two

  Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

  Very few commenters have a better point of that forbidding exchanging media called E-mail than John Moon, the CEO of E-mail management company Talk Labs. Moon examines a network that deals with 5.0 million letters everyday. The servers run and fixed by Talk Labs manage mail delivery and routing for many companies, including Security Company of England and Malshef Business.

  As a matter of fact, all of Talk Labs’customers are madeup of companies whose daily E-mail outflow and inflow have substantially increased with the expansion of the Web. “E-mail usage has significantly risen recently,” he says. Indeed, Talk Labs estimates that it has risen from 20 a day each employee as lately as three years ago to 30 or 40 at present.

  The implications for Corporate America are equally huge. As E-mail researcher and consultant Jack Blour believes, companies can be in the expectation of the volume of E-mail rising through their servers to grow 70% to 90% in 2002. And as individual messages soar it is most likely that they contain memory—companies could finally pay 100% to 150% more simply this year on systems in the store and management of those messages. That’s the reason why tech consultancy Tadigul Group predicts demand for software manageing E-mail, such as Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes, to grow from $2.6 billion in sales today to $4.4 billion by 2005.

  Controlling pure junk will cost too much money. About 20% of the E-mail Talk Labs manages is uninvited, according to Moon—who further states that about 1.25% of all the E-mail his company cancels includes useless files.

  It is estimated that handling spam(垃圾邮件) costs $8.6 billion throughout the world, according to a 2001 Japanese study. And some companies has been worried that the jam of pornographic spam may urge employees to sue on grounds of disturbance due to brought discomfort.

  62. The first sentence of this passage “Very few commenters have a better point of that forbidding exchanging media called E-mail than John Moon…”most probably means .

  A) John Moon clearly know the E-mail is wasting resources

  B) no one knows the fact that E-mail is gossip exchanging way but John Moon

  C) John Moon does not know anything about the E-mail

  D) the John Moon always concentrated on the ocean of the junk E-mail

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