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来源:星火 2008-12-4 16:34:01 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  11. W: I think I'll have lunch in the cafeteria. I like their mushroom and cheese.

  M: The chicken salad is good but there's nothing like home cooking.

  Q: What do we know about the man?

  B)。根据选项可知问题是关于"He"对饮食的选择。 "there's nothing like home cooking"意为这里没有什么比得上家里做的。女士说要在食堂吃午饭,她喜欢那里的蘑菇和奶酪。男士说鸡肉沙拉不错,但那儿没有什么能比得上家里做的。因此男士喜欢吃自己做的食物。故正确答案为B)。

  12. M: Can I borrow this magazine, please?

  W: Sorry, the newest issue is only allowed to read in the reading room. You can borrow the older ones.

  Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?

  C)。根据选项可知本题询问地点。本题关键词为reading room"阅览室"。男士问能否借阅这本杂志。女士说最新的只能在阅览室阅读,可以借阅旧的。因此对话发生在图书馆。故正确答案为C)。

  13. M: You were absent from class yesterday, Sandy. Where were you?

  W: I couldn't come, Mr. Hart. I hurt my foot, and my mother took me to the doctor.

  Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?


  14. M: You've been hoping to get that job, haven't you? Why do you think they gave it to Thomas but not to you?

  W: I think I'm the wrong sex, that's all.

  Q: Why did Thomas get the job according to the woman?

  A)。根据选项可知问题询问原因。男士对女士说:"你一直期待那份工作,为什么他们把工作给了Thomas而不是你?"女士说:"我是女性的缘故吧(I'm the wrong sex)",可知Thomas得到这份工作是因为他是位男士。故正确答案为A)。

  15. M: It's mostly blue and green with a pattern of flowers in the middle. There's a dark green border.

  W: Yes, it matches the curtains well. We are going to put it down in the sitting room.

  Q: What are they talking about?

  B)。根据选项可知本题询问谈论对象。本题关键句为put it down in..."把它铺在..."。男士说它几乎是蓝绿相间的,中间有花卉图案,边是墨绿色的。女士说它和窗帘刚好相配,我们把它铺在起居室吧。可知他们在讨论地毯。故正确答案为B)。

  16. M: Have you decided where you are going to live when you get married?

  W: I would like to live in the city, but my boyfriend wants a house in the suburbs, which means a long way from my office.

  Q: Why does the woman want to live in the city?

  C)。根据选项可知对话可能关于工作和居住地。 suburbs 意为"郊外"。男士问女士有没有决定结婚后住哪里。女士说想住城里,但她男友想在郊外买房,那就离她公司很远了。因此女士想住城里因为工作在那儿。故正确答案为C)。

  17. M: I really can't understand it. I kept a very careful record of my checks and the total was much less than we deposited.

  W: But perhaps your wife also wrote some checks, Charlie.

  Q: What does the woman imply?

  C)。根据选项可知对话可能关于储蓄和花钱。 wrote some checks意为"开了一些支票(花了一些钱)"。男士说真不明白,我的支票记录得很仔细,可总额比我存入的少很多。女士说可能你妻子也开了一些支票,也花了一些钱。故正确答案为C)。

  18. M: Did you get what you wanted? I remember you said you wanted to get a sweater.

  W: No, a blouse. But by that time, the ones on sale were all gone, so I settled for skirt.

  Q: What did the woman finally buy?

