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来源:星火 2008-12-4 16:34:01 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  22. What did the woman enjoy doing when she was young?

  B)。根据选项可知四选项均为休闲活动,问题询问"某人做某事"。本题关键句为"I used to watch birds when I was a youngster."我小时候常常观察鸟类。故正确答案为B)。

  23. What does the man want to do?

  B)。根据选项可知问题询问"某人做某事"。本题关键句为"I, at least, want to have some pleasure while I am still young."男士想在年轻时至少能愉快地生活。故正确答案为B)。

  24. What's the real joy in life according to the two speakers?

  C)。根据选项可知本题可能关于工作或休闲。本题关键句为"Kids know how to take full advantage of life."女士说孩子们知道如何充分享受生活。"...The real joy in life is in the doing."男士认为钱乃身外之物,生活真正的乐趣就是享受现在。故正确答案为C)。

  25. What's the man's attitude towards money?

  D)。根据选项可知本题关于"赚钱"。本题关键句为"They won't appreciate money unless they earn it like I earned it."男士认为他的孩子如果不是像他一样自己赚钱,是不会珍惜钱的。因此如果钱是他自己赚的,就会珍惜。故正确答案为D)。

  Section B

  Passage One

  Your assignments this term will be writing two major research papers. One of the most important things about writing a research paper is giving proper credit for your sources of information. Failure to do this is called plagiarism.

  (26) Plagiarism is a kind of stealing or at least an unauthorized borrowing of someone else's ideas. Sometimes inexperienced students will plagiarize unintentionally, and then be surprised when the teacher won't accept their papers, or gives them a failing grade.

  The best way to avoid unintentional plagiarizing is to be very careful in gathering your information. As you take notes on books and magazine articles about the topic you've selected, first try to assimilate the information thoroughly. Second,(27) write it down in your own words. This is called paraphrasing. If you do a good job of paraphrasing, you'll capture the main idea from your source without actually plagiarizing any phrases from it. Most of your notes should probably be paraphrased. However, occasionally you may find something you wish to quote directly in your research paper. In this case, be sure that you copy the quotation precisely in your notes and (28) enclose it in quotation marks. That way when you're finalizing your research paper, you will be able to remember which of your notes are directly quoted. You can incorporate them appropriately and give the original author proper credit.

  26. What does the speaker warn the students against doing?

  B)。通过预读选项可推断出问题是关于一种不规范的学术行为。短文中提到plagiarism(剽窃),文章第二段开头部分就明确对此进行了解释Plagiarism is a kind of stealing or at least an unauthorized borrowing of someone else's ideas,与B)基本一致。

  27. According to the speaker,how should most of the notes be taken?

  A)。短文最后一段开头部分对如何避免无意的剽窃提出了几点建议。第一条就是:As you take notes on books and magazine articles about the topic you've selected,first try to assimilate the information thoroughly(彻底理解吸收所选择的信息),随后又指出,用paraphrasing的方法,即write it down in your own words,与A)相同。

  28. What does the speaker say a direct quotation should be used?

  B)。题干中的关键词direct quotation,短文最后的部分提出,在直接引用的情况下be sure that you copy the quotation precisely in your notes and enclose it in quotation marks,随后又对这种方法的优点进行了具体的解释,A)和C)是避免无意剽窃的总方法,D)没有提到。

  Passage Two

  In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches. In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees (29) had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing candidates for the doctor's degree.

  Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same questions, was probably not known until the nineteenth century. Perhaps it came into existence (30) with the great increase in population and the development of modern industry. A room full of candidates for a state examination, timed exactly by electric clocks and carefully watched over by managers, resembles a group of workers at an automobile factory. Certainly, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act as machines.

  One type of test is sometimes called an objective test. It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To make up an objective test the teacher writes a series of questions,(31) each of which has only one correct answer.

  29. How did students in Middle Ages take a test?

  D)。根据选项可知文章与学习、考试有关。古希腊、罗马学校的学生考试包括saying poetry aloud or giving speeches;而中世纪的欧洲大学生要discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject,这种考试属于subjective test(主观考试)。objective test意思为"客观考试"。
