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来源:文都 2008-12-19 8:00:02 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场


  Key to Model Test Seven

  Part IWriting




  To Restrain Spending

  The monthly expenditures of college students have been on the rise in the past few years. Some argue that if the students earn the money themselves, how they spend it is none of other people’s business, and after all, the general living standard keeps rising. However, the fact is that most students live on the money their parents give them. The lure of a more comfortable and fashionable lifestyle—one with name brand clothing, mobile phones, MP3, and dining out or going to bars with a girlfriendmakes many to be frequent borrowers.

  In my opinion, young students are sensitive to fashions and new trends, thus they easily found it impossible to make ends meet and run into debt. When a student’s spending steps beyond the boundaries of daily necessities, it becomes a kind of waste. Furthermore, widespread extravagant spending on campus could have a bad influence on people’s values. But many students see it as a common practice and not a fault. Though everyone has the right to enjoy a comfortable life, campus is a place for study. So just think twice before you sign a bill.

  Part IIReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

  1.【解析】Y 根据人名Robert Ellis Smith 定位在原文第三段,可直接对应原文内容。

  2.【解析】Y 根据financial loss 及restore reputation 两组关键词对应原文第四段。

  3.【解析】N对应原文第三段第一句话,Smith 说identity theft is an absolute epidemic. 与选项中的minor offence 及harm is overestimated 内容矛盾。

  4.【解析】Y 对应原文第一个小标题Suggestion 1 下第二段内容,直接对应,“如果找到工作后,不要把简历放在网上。”

  5.【解析】N对应原文最后一段的第六个小标题,原文说公司不要求你在求职的时候提交银行账号,社会保障号码等,与选项provide very personal information 矛盾。

  6.【解析】Y 对应原文第三个小标题下第一段和第二段内容,网上求职不要用真名,用generic name。

  7.【解析】NG对应原文第二个小标题Suggestion 2,选项直接给出定位点,该建议包括三项内容,选项中most strongly recommended 并无给出相关的对应信息,选NG。

  8.【解析】unwelcome emails对应第四个小标题,原文倒数第三段。

  9.【解析】private information对应原文倒数第二段,根据小标题定位容易。

  10.【解析】economic gain对应原文第一段最后一句话“typically for economic gains.”

  Part IIIListening Comprehension

  Section A

  11.W:I’m terribly sorry, but I really have to go. I’m meeting someone at 8 o’clock. Thanks for a really lovely dinner. See you again soon.

  M: See you soon.

  Q:What is the woman doing now?


  12.W:This is the third time you’ve been late this week, Robert. You’ll have to do better than that, or I might find it necessary to let you go.

  M:It won’t happen again, I assure you.

  Q: Who spoke to the man?


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