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  30. According to Pearce, why do most of the teenagers enjoy the work?

  A) Most kids want to learn how to repair bikes.

  B) Teenagers don’t have enough money to buy cars.

  C) Youngsters care more about bikes than adults.

  D) Teenagers are familiar with bikes and they have a passion for them.

  Part IV Cloze (15 minutes)

  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

  Barack Obama was born to a white American mother, Ann Dunham, and a black Kenyan father, Barack Obama, Sr., who were 31 young college students at the University of Hawaii. When his 32 left for Harvard, Barack and his mother stayed behind, and his father 33 returned alone to Kenya, where he worked as a government economist. Barack’s mother 34 an Indonesian oil manager and moved to Jakarta when Barack was six. He later 35 Indonesia as simultaneously lush and a harrowing 36 to tropical poverty. He returned to Hawaii, where he was 37 up largely by his grandparents. The family lived in a small apartment — his grandfather was a furniture salesman and an unsuccessful insurance agent and his grandmother 38 in a bank — but Barack managed to get into Punahou School, Hawaii’s top prep 39 . His father wrote to him regularly but, though he traveled around the world on official 40 for Kenya, he visited only once, when Barack was ten.

  Obama attended Columbia University, but found New York’s racial tension 41 . He became a community organizer for a small Chicago church-based group for three years, helping poor South Side residents 42 with a wave of plant closings. He then attended Harvard Law School, and in 1990 became the first 43 -American editor of the Harvard Law Review. He turned down a 44 judicial clerkship, choosing instead to practice civil-rights law back in Chicago, 45 victims of housing and employment 46 and working on voting-rights legislation. He also began teaching at the University of Chicago Law School. Eventually he 47 as a Democrat for the state senate seat from his district, which included both Hyde Park and some of the poorest ghettos on the South Side, and won.
