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  As more and more people get online degrees and use them in the workforce, HR managers and hiring managers will begin to feel more secure about the quality of education these people have. If the studies that were done by Thomas L. Russell and John Losak — showing the quality of online education to be as good as or better than that of traditional education — hold up on a larger scale, then the future of getting jobs and advancements based on online degrees will be bright.

  Until then, choose schools carefully, and check for accreditation and strong programs. When you’ve completed the degree, go to job interviews armed with information to counter any questions about the quality or validity of your degree. Make sure the interviewer knows how you achieved the degree, how you worked it into a busy schedule, how you overcame any obstacles. It will show a self-motivation and discipline that may be just the qualities the company is looking for.

  1. Which of the following is the unique characteristic of online education that traditional education doesn’t have?

  A) There are lectures, but they won’t be in person.

  B) There are assignments, and you must hand them to your instructor.

  C) If you get sick, you have to ask for someone’s notes.

  D) If you get a phone call during class, you will miss something.

  2. What can you do in some schools’ initial “boot camp”?

  A) To meet the other students and instructors. B) To read books in the library.

  C) To attend class in person. D) To hand your paper to your instructor.

  3. What is the best type of online lecture?

  A) One with no accompanying slides. B) One that is simply put online as text.

  C) One without video or audio. D) One with interaction during the lecture.

  4. Great content is more easily absorbed if it’s done in a ________ manner.

  A) static and innovative B) traditional and obsolete

  C) dynamic and innovative D) simple and active

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