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来源:文都 2009-12-16 8:58:37 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  26. When did the woman want the store to deliver the items?

  【解析】[D]短文中女士希望商场尽快把商品寄到家里。I asked them to deliver the things as soon as possible从此句中可以看出。

  27. Was the woman pleased when she saw the items they had delivered?

  【解析】[D]这位女士打开箱子看到寄来的物品时非常生气,文章中有直接表达的句子,you can just imagine how angry I was。

  28. What happened in the end?

  【解析】[A]最终的结果就是两周之后,那家商场的人既没有来取走寄错的物品也没有把这位女士定的其余的物品寄来。短文最后一句就是答案。They have neither picked up the wrong items nor sent me the rest of my order。

  Passage Two

  Researchers have discovered a link between drinking and thinking. A moderate amount of alcohol may help us keep our mental abilities as we age. Brain scans show alcohol abuse kills brain cells. But little is known about the effects of life-long drinking. So moderate drinkers may want to toast new findings from researchers at Duke, Indiana Universities. Dr. Joe Christian of Indiana Universities says men who have one or two drinks each day retain slightly stronger comprehension skills than the nondrinker or the heavy drinker. The doctor and his colleagues gave mental tests to nearly 4,000 male twins between the ages of 66 and 76. The moderate drinkers had slightly better reasoning ability than their brothers who drink more or less. Other studies have found that alcohol in moderation can help the heart. But alcohol abuse can cause bone loss and other health problems. This study was presented at an alcoholism meeting in San Antonio。

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  29. What has recent research found about drinking?

  【解析】[C]研究者最近发现适量的饮酒可以使人变老时,保持智慧。A moderate amount of alcohol may help us keep our mental abilities as we age。

  30.How would moderate drinkers feel about the new research findings?

  【解析】[B]So moderate drinkers may want to toast new findings from researchers at Duke, Indiana Universities. 本题要听出关键词toast,为敬酒祝贺之意。即适量饮酒者会为这个新发现举酒庆祝,所以他们当然是高兴的。

  31.Where was the result of the study first made public?

  【解析】[A]从这一句This study was presented at an alcoholism meeting in San Antonio。可知这个结果是在一个会议上首次展示出来的。关键词在于meeting。

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