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  "We're seeing a lot of asthma from inhaling the mold," said Richard Paat, team leader of a temporary East Biloxi clinic. "And mouth sores from the bad water."

  Due to contact with unclean water, 33 people in the flood zone have contracted Vibrio infections, according to the CDC. The infections are caused by a family of bacteria that live in contaminated salt water. They can cause serious illness, especially in people with compromised immune systems.

  To date, six people have died from Vibrio infections.

  "People had open wound and walked through floodwater with sewage in it," CDC spokesperson Von Roebuck said. "And these folks were having these wounds infected with Vibrio."

  Disaster Response Care

  "This is a highly contaminated area," said Susan Briggs, the physician overseeing FEMA's disaster-response medical teams in Louisiana and Alabama.

  Her teams have been inoculating residents for tetanus and Hepatitis A and B. Hepatitis is a danger when people are exposed to sewage, through water or food, Briggs explained. Tetanus can occur when people cut themselves on unclean materials, as may happen when cleaning debris.

  The rudimentary(根本的) living conditions in many Katrina-struck areas make it more likely that people will get sick and injured, Briggs said.

  "They have no electricity, no clean water, no air conditioning," she said. "There are collapsed structures and stray animals. There are huge amounts of stray dogs, and people have been bitten."

  Briggs and other doctors in the area have been treating many cases of diarrhea, rashes, and upper-respiratory illnesses.

  All of these conditions are to be expected after natural disasters, according to the CDC. But it's too soon to know if these ailments are related to contamination, the CDC's Roebuck said.

  "We're looking at that question," he said. "We'd like to know the answer."

  1. The passage gives a description of the contamination in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

  2. Katrina left New Orleans and other communities tainted with oil and sewage.

  3. Plaquemines Parish is now covered with even more toxic sediment that it was two weeks ago.

  4. People are being advised to avoid contact with the sludge by health and environmental agencies.

  5. The Southern Mutual Help Association and Oxfam America are developing a program to sell every returning resident a protective kit.

  6. The conditions in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina is special.

  7. In addition to the toxic sediment, sprawling blooms of mold have now taken hold in many flooded homes, and it is growing everywhere.

  8. To date, six people have died from¬________.

  9. The rudimentary living conditions in many Katrina-struck areas make it more likely that people will get________.

  10. All of these conditions are to be expected after________.

  Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  11. [A] She refuses to go to dinner.

  [B] She agrees to go to dinner.

  [C] She is angry.

  [D] She is surprised.

  12. [A] She learns English quickly.

  [B] Her English isn't very good.

  [C] Her English is very good.

  [D] She learns new sentences slowly.

  13. [A] At a bank.

  [B] At an inn.

  [C] On the river side.

  [D] On a basketball field.

  14. [A] Go to Paris again.

  [B] Live in Paris.

  [C] Go somewhere else.

  [D] Difficult to say.

  15. [A] Peter likes to do physical exercise.

  [B] Peter is absent-minded in class.

  [C] Peter is a naughty boy.

  [D] Peter usually walks to class.

  16. [A] A driving test.

  [B] A traffic accident.

  [C] A police movie.

  [D] The best way to make signals.

  17. [A] Her sister is a fashionable woman.

  [B] Her sister is designing a dress.

  [C] Her sister is studying Spanish.

  [D] Her sister is in the Philippines.

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