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  Passage 3

  A strange thing about humans is their capacity for blind rage. Rage is presumably an emotion resulting from survival instinct, but the surprising thing about it is that we do not deploy it against other animals. If we encounter a dangerous wild animal - a poisonous snake or a wild cat - we do not fly into a temper. If we are unarmed, we show fear and attempt to back away; if we are suitably armed, we attack, but in a rational manner not in a rage. We reserve rage for our own species. It is hard to see any survival value in attacking one's own, but if we take account of the long competition which must have existed between our own subspecies and others like Neanderthal man - indeed others still more remote from us than Neanderthal m an - human rage becomes more comprehensible.

  In our everyday language and behavior there are many reminders of those early struggles. We are always using the words “us and them". “Our" side is perpetually trying to do down the “other" side. In games we artificially create other subspecies we can attack. The opposition of “us" and “them" is the touchstone of the two-party system of “democratic" politics. Although there are no very serious consequences to many of these modern psychological representations of the “us and them" emotion, it is as well to remember that the original aim was not to beat the other subspecies in a game but to exterminate it.

  The readiness with which humans allow themselves to be regimented has permitted large armies to be formed, which, taken together with the “us and them" blind rage, has led to destructive clashes within our subspecies itself. The First World War is an example in which Europe divided itself into two imaginary subspecies. And there is a similar extermination battle now in Northern Ireland. The idea that there is a religious basis for this clash is illusory, for not even the Pope has been able to control it. The clash is much more primitive than the Christian religion, much older in its emotional origin. The conflict in Ireland is unlikely to stop until a greater primitive fear is imposed from outside the community, or until the combatants become exhausted.

  11. A suitable title for this passage would be .

  A. Why Human Armies Are Formed

  B. Man's Anger Against Rage

  C. The Human Capacity for Rage

  D. Early Struggles of Angry Man

  12. According to the author, the surprising aspect of human anger is .

  A. its lengthy and complex development

  B. a conflict such as is now going on in Northern Ireland

  C. that we do not fly into a temper more often

  D. that we reserve anger for mankind

  13. The passage suggests that .

  A. historically, we have cr eated an “us" versus “them" society

  B. humans have had a natural disinclination toward formal grouping

  C. the First World War is an example of how man has always avoided domination

  D. the emotional origin of the war in Ireland is lost in time

  14. From the passage we can infer that .

  A. the artificial creation of a subspecies unlike us is something that never happens

  B. games are psychologically unhealthy

  C. any artificially created subspecies would be our enemy

  D. the real or imagined existence of an opposing subspecies is inherent in man's activities

  15. The author believes that a religious explanation for the war in Northern Ireland is .

  A. founded in historical fact

  B. deceptive

  C. apparent

  D. probably accurate

  Passage 4

  The concept of personal choice in relation to health behaviors is an important one. An estimated 90 percent of all illnesses may be preventable if individuals would make sound personal health choices based upon current medical knowledge. We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it restricted when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. The structure of American society allows us to make almost all our own personal decisions that may concern our health. If we so desire, we can smoke, drink excessiviely, refuse to wear seat belts, eat whatever foods we want, and live a completely sedentary life-style without any exercise. The freedom to make such personal decisions is a fundamental aspect of our society, although the wisdom of these decisions can be questioned. Personal choices relative to health often cause a difficulty. As one example, a teenager may know the facts relative to smoking cigarettes and health but may be pressured by friends into believing it is the socially accepted thing to do.

  A multitude of factors, both inherited and environmental, influence the development of health-related behaviors, and it is beyon d the scope of this text to discuss all these factors as they may affect any given individual. However, the decision to adopt a particular health-related behavior is usually one of personal choices. There are healthy choices and there are unhealthy choices. In discussing the morals of personal choice, Fries and Crapo drew a comparison. They suggest that to knowingly give oneself over to a behavior that has a statistical probability of shortening life is similar to attempting suicide. Thus, for those individuals who are interested in preserving both the quality and quantity of life, personal health choices should reflect those behaviors that are associated with a statistical probability of increased vitality and longevity.

  16. The concept of personal choice concerning health is important because .

  A. personal health choices help cure most illnesses

  B. it helps raise the level of our medical knowledge

  C. it is essential to personal freedom in American society

  D. wrong decisions could lead to poor health

  17. To “live a completely sedentary life-style” (Para. 1) most probably means .

  A. to “live an inactive life”

  B. to “live a decent life”

  C. to “live a life with complete freedom”

  D. to “live a life of vice”

  18. Sound personal health choice is often difficult to make because .

  A. current medical knowledge is still insufficient

  B. there are many factors influencing our decisions

  C. few people are willing to trade the quality of life for the quantity of life

  D. people are usually influenced by the behavior of their friends

  19. To knowingly allow oneself to pursue unhealthy habits is compared by Fries and Crapo to .

  A. improving the quality of one's life

  B. limiting one's personal health choice

  C. deliberately ending one's life

  D. breaking the rules of social behavior

  20. According to Fries and Crapo sound health choice should be based on .

  A. personal de cisions

  B. society's laws

  C. statistical evidence

  D. friends' opinions





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