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来源:恩波 2008-12-3 14:51:04 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场


  Part ⅠWriting

  Should China Adopt Favorable Policies to Attract Foreign-trained Students?

  According to an online survey, by the end of 2006, over 1 million Chinese went abroad for higher education. Over 75 percent of them have chosen to stay abroad. In order to attract them back home after their studies to contribute to their motherland, China has offered them a range of favorable policies, including the hukou policy and giving priority to their family members in terms of employment and higher education enrollment.

  However, people in China are divided in their views on these policies. Many people support these policies while some have different opinions. Those who are for the policies think that real life consists of many practical issues and working conditions are very important for the future development of those students. We should not just rely on patriotism to get them back. Those who are against these policies hold the view that these policies will reinforce people’s pessimism about the education and working conditions in China. They think that we should continue our development and let those students decide on their own.

  I am in favor of the former. The brain drain is a serious problem in China. We should try every means to reverse it. Attracting foreign-trained people with favorable policies is an important tool.

  Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

  1. Y 本题定位于第一段最后一句,意为“在当今充满压力的世界中,一个主要的挑战就是要使生活中的压力为你服务而非与你为难”。

  2. N 根据题眼emotional stress和physical illness定位于第二段第三句,可见题目中的因果关系颠倒了。

  3. N 根据题眼prolonged和frustrating等定位于第三段第三句。题目中的too…to 表示“太……而不能”,表达的意思刚好与原文相反。

  4. NG本题定位于第四段第四句。可见原文并未提及身体机能恢复的具体时间。

  5. when it can’t be avoided 解题依据为文章第四段倒数第二句“While it’s impossible to live completely free of stress and distress, it is possible to prevent some distress as well as to minimize its impact when it can’t be avoided.”

  6. a friend,family member,teacher,or counselor 本题涉及寻求外界帮助的细节,解题依据为小标题Share Your Stress下第二句“Perhaps a friend, family member, teacher, or counselor can help you achieve a more positive perspective on what’s troubling you.”

  7. result in stress 本题涉及生活中的计划性,定位于小标题Make a List of the Things You Need to Do的第一句“Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that ‘there’s so much to do, and not enough time’.”其中result from 意思是“来自”或“由……引起”,与result in的意思相反。

  8. to create a sense of peace and tranquility 解题依据为小标题Create a Quiet Scene的最后一句“You also can create a sense of peace and tranquility by reading a good book or listening to beautiful music.”

  9. Learning how to relax 解题依据为小标题Relax的第一句“The best strategy for reducing or avoiding stress altogether is to learn how to relax.”

  10. due to your focus on relaxation,enjoyment and health 解题依据为文章倒数第二句“Your focus on relaxation, enjoyment and health will reduce stress, anxiety and worry in your life.”

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