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来源:恩波 2008-12-3 14:51:04 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Section C

  Gordon Parks is best known for his work with a camera. But he is an artist who has many skills. His (36) photographs, books, music and movies have (37) influenced many people throughout the world. He was the first African American director of major Hollywood movies.

  Gordon Parks-art deals with important social (38) issues such as the poor, racism and crime. He (39) sought to help the poor and to end the racism with two very powerful weapons:his camera and his (40) creative eye. He chose the camera as a means of (41) expression and communication. He used the words and pictures to (42) explore the differences in people.

  Gordon Parks was born in the middle western state of Kansas in 1912. He was the (43) youngest of 15 children and his mother died when he was 16. He moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota to live with his sister. (44) In the following years, he supported himself by working several low-paying jobs. Gordon Parks became interested in photography at the age of 25. He experienced growing up poor. He wanted to show how difficult it was to be poor. Photography could give him a way to express that, he thought.

  (45) In 1941, Gordon Parks took pictures of the poor living conditions he found in the Middle city of Chicago, Illinois. In 1948, Gordon Parks began working as a photographer for Life magazine. Life magazine was the best-known cultural magazine of the time. Millions of people around the world read each issue. (46) By the 1960s, Gordon Parks was one of the most influential photographers of his time.

  Part ⅣReading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

  47. A person who varies his manner of reading according to context.


  48. all readers

  空白处填入名词性成份。文章第一段讲述了三类人的读书方式,涵盖了所有读书者,因此答案应为all readers。

  49. Detection of misprints

  空白处所填内容做主语,可以包括名词、动名词和主语从句。根据关键词proofreading锁定文章第二段第一句,即这类读者不关心语义表达错误,而只注意校正文章的拼写和排版错误,因此答案为Detection of misprints,或者Detecting /Finding out misprints。

  50. Maintaining the same speed whatever material he or she is reading.

  根据关键词less efficient reader锁定第一段倒数第三句。简短回答是问什么答什么。题目问的是方式,所以把动词原形maintain改为动名词。

  51. Different ways of reading.

  本题问的是主旨,浏览全文,可知文章讲述的是不同的阅读方式,因此答案为Different ways of reading。

  Section B

  Passage One

  52. D 细节题根据第一段最后一句“At the office conversations around the water cooler and coffee maker serve to spread even more items of information.”可知人们在办公室里站在冷饮机和咖啡壶边的谈话可以传播更多的信息,但文章没有具体介绍这些信息的内容和性质,因此应当选D。

  53. C 推断题根据第三段第一句中的“…how does one sift through it all to sort out the facts…”可知,要对信息进行判断,sift through (过滤筛选)是前提,也就是首先要接收信息,并且进行初步处理,然后才能做出判断。作者没有直接表达这个意思,但可以通过推断获得。

  54. A段落主旨题本题关系到对文章最后一段的理解,尤其是该段第一句。开头的a better method相当于a better approach,后面的skeptical意思是“怀疑的”。可见作者赞成持怀疑态度,反对cynical(愤世嫉俗的)态度。

  55. B推断题最后一段第二、三句作者对skeptic(怀疑论者)和cynic(愤世嫉俗者)作了区分。前者“提倡用证据来证实或否定某一观点的正确性”,因而合乎情理;后者“拒绝新观点仅仅因为这些观点的新颖”,显得过于极端。

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