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来源:恩波 2008-12-4 9:16:37 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Part ⅥTranslation(15 minutes)

  Directions: Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

  72. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary_________ (因为它有助于我们改正错误).

  73.The secret to our success is that we use a mix of teaching methods,_________


  74. Julie was feeling bored in the evening so she_________ (报名参加) on English and French.

  75. As the breadwinner of the family, he has to _________(从工资里留出一些钱来作为儿子的学费).

  76. Unless I receive a satisfactory response from you within a month,_________


  Part ⅠWriting

  Do We Have Our Privacy?

  When it comes to the sensitive issue of privacy, different people may have different opinions. Teenagers and young adults are often heard complaining that their own privacy has been infringed by parents and teachers, with their diaries pried into, their calls overheard, or their personal letters opened in their absence. In other words, their privacy is not duly respected by the adult world.

  However, parents and teachers think otherwise. In their eyes, children and young students will never be old enough to mind their own business. As the members of the older generation, they should ensure that the younger generation grow up and prosper in a favorable climate. It is a responsibility from which they ought not to escape. Equipped with this mentality, teachers and parents are inclined to interfere in the privacy of the adolescent.

  As far as I am concerned, there is something on both sides. Sure enough, everyone has his or her privacy to a certain extent, and there is no exception with children and young people. But we can not go too far on this issue and regard everything as part of the inviolable privacy. On the other hand, parents and teachers have the right to know us on the basis of respect for our reasonable privacy.

  Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

  1. N 根据文章第一段中的overexploits the world’s resources(过度开发世界上的资源)和 beyond our ecological means(超出我们的生态承受力)可判断本说法与原文不符。

  2. Y 根据句意定位到原文第三段,其内容大致是说一个经济学基金会根据每个学术团体的研究成果计算出“人类即将吞噬地球”的日期是10月9日,由此断定本题表述与原文相符。

  3. NG 本题指出环保人士针对自然资源的利用与人们生活水平的提高二者之间的关系做了大量的研究,而原文第四段只是说他们发出了警告,根本没有说到研究,因此本题答案为NG(没有提及)。

  4. Y 根据原文第五段内容可以看出过度消耗自然资源会引发一系列的问题,如气候变化,森林被毁,农业产量下降等等,因此本题内容与原文所说相符。

  5. Hurricane Katrina 本题是细节题,涉及文章中的一个例子,根据devastated,New Orleans这几个词可定位于文章第七段第二句的后半部分“…such as Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in August year, are being attributed to global climate.”由此可确定答案。

  6. 23 percent 本题是细节题,涉及地球的资源和人类的过度使用,根据Global Footprint,overusing,the Earth’s resources 和by等线索定位于文章第九段第一句“Global Footprint estimates that the human race is overusing the Earth’s resources by 23 percent.”由此可确定答案。

  7. the limit of the Earth’s endurance 本题是细节理解题,应当根据人名和关键词搜寻,答案依据在第十段。

  8. 19 December,1987 本题是细节理解题,涉及可维持性和时间,根据这两个因素和人名搜寻,可确定答案依据为第十二段第二句“Humanity started living beyond its means on a global lever in 1987.”

  9. can be replaced/renewed 本题是细节理解题,根据人名确定答案依据在文章的第十五、十六段,尤其是第十五段。

  10. tropical rainforests 本题是细节理解题,根据deforestation和species可定位于Energy部分第二段的最后一句“Deforestation of tropical rainforests may account for the loss of as many as 100 species a day.”

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