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  Part ⅤError Correction(15 minutes)

  Directions: This part consists of a short passage.In this passage,there are altogether 10 mistakes,one in each numbered line.You may have to change a word,add a word or delete a word.Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided.If you change a word,cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank.If you add a word,put an insertion mark(∧)in the right place and write the missing word in the blank.If you delete a word,cross it out and put a slash(/)in the blank.

  Business visits tend to be extremely punctual. If you

  arrive late to a business appointment, it will reflect badly

  on you. So try to arrive on time, or even if a little earlier. 62

  If you know that you will be arriving late, you should

  telephone ahead to let them know of the delay. If a

  business meeting takes place over a meal, expect the

  business discussions to begin after everyone has ordered

  their meal, sometimes as soon as everyone is seating. 63

  Socializing tends to occur after the business is concluded,

  not before. This is in contrast with the practice in

  many other countries, where the purpose of the meal is to

  socialize with and get to know each other after any business 64

  is discussed. Many American companies have men in 65

  management positions. So don’t be surprised if the person

  who meets you is a woman, not a man. They are just as

  competent as their male counterparts. If you feel

  uncomfortable, focusing on the business at hand and ignore 66

  the fact what she happens to be a woman. Do not, 67

  however, ask personal questions like you might with a male 68

  colleague. In particular, do not ask whether she is married

  or has children. When businessmen or businesswomen

  meet, they usually introduce themselves through shaking 69

  right hands. When you shake hands, don’t crush their

  fingers, neither hold their hand so lightly. A firm 70

  handshake is best. Business cards are not normally

  exchanged with meeting. If you need a colleague’s contact 71

  information, it is okay to ask them for their cards. It is also

  okay to offer someone your card. But there is not an

  elaborate ritual of exchanging cards as in other cultures.

  Part ⅥTranslation(5 minutes)

  Directions: Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

  72. We were informed that president of that university (将于次日接见我们).

  73. It pained the headmaster to (发现学生人数不断减少).

  74. Checks are becoming more popular and will in a short while (代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式).

  75. The local government had to take some emergency measures (以便渡过目前的危机).

  76. After her husband died, she had to (挑起抚养孩子的经济重担).


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辅导科目名称 英语四级 英语六级 报名
类别 主讲老师 课时 试听 主讲老师 课时 试听
VIP全程保过班 王江涛 等 160.6 试听 屠皓民 等 108.2 试听 报名
425通关班 陈 科 等 72 试听 屠皓民 等 69.75 试听 报名
精品全程班 王江涛 等 148 试听 俞敏洪 等 119 试听 报名
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