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来源:文都 2008-7-9 10:55:40 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  5) 有……原因:This phenomenon can be attributed to the social trend nowadays. / The reason lies in the moral decline in our society. / Part of the reason can be traced to the maltreatment he received during his childhood. / The increase (change / failure / success) in … is due to / attributable to the fact that ….

  6) 体现:That is the reason why we classify art as “classic”, “modern” and “postmodern”, each embodying the character of its period. / This proposal reflects the interests and demands of the developing countries.

  7) 通过:The plan must go through several stages. / Effective measures should be taken and laws be passed to protect our environment.

  8) 发生:A lot of things have happened during the over 20 years of reform and opening up in China. / Many difficulties and hardships will arise in the course of our development. / From TV we can know what is going on in the world.

  9) 发挥:Now we have every opportunity to bring our talents into full play. / More women should be encouraged to contribute to the development of our society. / We should give full play to collective wisdom.

  10) 等于:They don’t realize that maltreating their old parents now is equal to their own children maltreating them when they are old. / Adoring the sports stars such as Beckham now is nothing more than the adoration of political stars in the past. / His reply amounts to a refusal. / Polluting our environment is the same as suicide.

  11) 开展:We should carry out criticism and self-criticism. / It is necessary to launch a campaign to educate people to conserve our resources.

  12) 应该做:It is high time that the authorities and the ordinary people realized the seriousness of this problem and came up with some measures to solve it. / It is imperative that young people stop adoring the stars and concentrate on their studies.

  13) 实现:I firmly believe that as long as I make unremitting efforts my dreams will come true one day. / She realized her ambition of becoming an actress. / People under stress tend to actualize their own personal worth—the very aim of a human life. / He hopes to achieve all his aims soon.

  14) 实行:In order to improve the competence of state-owned enterprises, the central government has implemented a series of reforms, among which is cutting down the staff. / We now institute an eight-hour working day.

  15) 使:It is about time we made efforts to reduce traffic accidents and made our roads safer. / Doing part-time jobs can broaden our horizons and enable us to gain new knowledge.

  16) 完成:By looking forward, we can make plans and then do our best to accomplish them. / They have finally fulfilled their wishes.

  17) 像:It sounds like somebody is knocking on the door. / The two sisters are very much alike. / Just as the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”, so we have to listen, speak, read and write more in order to acquire English.

  18) 重视:All the parties concerned should attach great importance to the seriousness of this problem. / A lot of attention has been paid to the education of the young. / He didn’t take the matter seriously.

  19) 负责:The government is responsible for the moral decline in our society. Therefore it is the duty of the government to do something to reverse this trend. / She is very conscientious in her work.

  20) 引起:Some wild animals can cause serious illnesses. / What he said aroused suspicion. / The increased demand gave rise to the over fishing in the world. / The interactions between countries resulted in the better understanding of each other.

  21) 主张:While we advocate competition, we can’t ignore cooperation. / We are of the opinion that…

  22) 变化:There has been a tremendous change in the number of fish between 1900 and 1995. / Great changes have taken place in people’s minds as to what to expect of the society. / He had altered a great deal himself.

  23) 表示:We wish to convey to you our hearty congratulations. / The government has indicated that it intends to cut taxes. / The above-mentioned picture reveals a common yet serious problem in our society.

  24) 出现:During rush hours, millions of cars appear on the crowded roads. / With many family tutors emerging, more and more families want to have at least one tutor.

  25) 处理,解决:The dockers refused to handle imports from the U.S. / solve/ tackle/ deal with/ cope with/ put an end to… the problem.

  26) 采取(措施):People from all walks of life should take common actions to plant more trees and flowers so as to improve our living conditions. / If we want a bright future, we have to take steps now. / Drastic measures should be taken to meet the psychological and emotional needs of college students.

  27) 成为:What makes the world develop so fast and become so civilized and modern? / A rather skinny, spotty adolescent had turned into a confident presentable young man.

  28) 会,倾向于:People tend to put on weight after giving up cigarettes because they turn to snacks as a substitute. / I strongly incline to the view that....

  29) 坚持:We should strengthen legislation to protect the rights of the underprivileged, and then their living conditions will be greatly improved. / We must enhance combat preparedness.


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