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来源:文都 2008-7-9 10:55:40 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  9. 不同的原因 different reasons

  →diverse causes

  10.举例来说 for example

  →a case in point is that

  →an instance cited often is that

  11. 我认为 I think

  → I argue/assume/claim/hold/insist/maintain

  → I am of the opinion/view

  → I cling to the idea that

  12. 大多数人 most people

  → the majority of people

  13.我相信 I believe

  → I hold to the belief that

  14. sb. can/should/must

  → It is possible/necessary/imperative that

  15. 知道 know

  → be aware of

  16. 因为 because

  → in that

  17. 最后 at last

  → eventually

  18. 然而 but

  → nevertheless

  19. 如果 if

  → provided that

  → providing that

  → on condition that

  → supposing

  20. 各行各业的人

  → people from all walks of life



  1) 词不达意

  (1)误:With the development of the economics, more and more people are able to receive college education.

  (2) 误:Fake drugs are not efficient in treating diseases.

  (3) 误:Most students are probable to take out loans.

  (4) 误:It is the habit of foreigners to change gifts at Christmas.

  (5) 误:At first, reading extensively can give people knowledge in many fields.

  (6) 误:Some drivers neglected traffic regulations.

  (7) 误:In my opinion, this (i.e. being laid off) is the normal result of social competition

  (8) 误:The housing problem is so outstanding that the government has to solve it with concentrated efforts.

  (9) 误:Continuous smoking is bad to health.

  (10) 误: I think it is very difficult to solute this problem.

  2) 中式英语

  (1) 误:Attending college is really admirable except the high tuition and fees.


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