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来源:文都 2008-7-9 10:55:40 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  (2007. 6)

  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an announcement to welcome students to join a club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

  1. 本社团的主要活动内容



  Dear fellow students, welcome to our club—the English Club. Our club organizes a wide variety of activities. We arrange the annual English Speech Contest, the winners of which will be able to attend the national contest. Also a weekly English Corner is available for every student to practice their spoken English.

  The benefits of joining our club are manifold. To begin with, our members will gain more opportunities to improve the English proficiency, since we have to contact English teachers and foreign teachers frequently. What’s more, your organizational skills will be better with every member of our club having to participate in organizing the activities.

  In order to join our club, you need to hand in an application form, which can be downloaded from http://www.englishclub.com.cn. We shall contact you with a week. If all the requirements are met, you will be able to be part of us.

  10. What Electives to Choose

  (2007. 12)

  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled What Electives to Choose. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:




  Nowadays, a growing number of electives are offered in all sorts of universities. According to a recent survey in China Daily, students can choose their favorite courses from a total number of 20,000 electives in Chinese universities. The topics include everything, from literature to engineering, from sociology to chemistry.

  When asked why they choose the electives, different students provide different answers. Some of them choose the electives which are easier to study; therefore, the students will be able to win the credit with little effort. Other students maintain that they choose the electives that interest them the most. Still others choose the “practical” courses because they believe these programs will help them hunt for a better job when they graduate.

  As to me, I choose two electives, English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and economics. The former will equip me with more knowledge to read and write academic papers; while the latter is important in that everyone has to know a little economics in order to live better in the time of “market economy”.


  1. 社会热点:after-sale service; the open-door policy; collectively-owned enterprise; shareholding enterprise; joint venture; state-owned enterprise; western region development/development of the west; comprehensive force of the country; crime rate; economic growth; economic reform; exterior environment; government at all levels; high-tech products; all walks of life; population expansion/explosion; poverty-stricken rural areas; gain material wealth; deserve one’s attention; construction of basic facilities; scenic spots; make relevant rules; lay down/ formulate laws and regulations to protect/preserve; put in sufficient sum of capital; improve/raise people’s consciousness of the importance/harm of; be preoccupied with; enjoy the full benefits of advanced modern technology; shoulder the heavy responsibility for doing sth.; It is absolutely impossible for sb. to do sth.; spring up like bamboo shoots after spring rain

  2. 学习/教育: college entrance examination; an open-book examination; compulsory courses; optional courses; major; compulsory education; education for quality; education for test; extracurricular activities; passive memory; active thinking; to adapt oneself to society; to acquire knowledge; to enrich experience/knowledge; to foster a good habit of learning; to get the all-round moral, intellectual, and physical development; to give priority to study; to keep abreast of the newest development; to receive further education; to popularize the 9-year compulsory education; enable sb. to do sth.; a microcosm of society; prepare oneself for; time-consuming; provide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.; serve our country and people well; exert great influence on sth; take an optimistic/pessimistic attitude toward sth. abandon one’s school; arrive at a predetermined destination; drop out of school

  3. On examination: entrance examination to…/college entrance examination; measure a student’s level/measure how much progress students have achieved/made after a period of instruction; examinations are an indispensable part of one’s learning; students need to have a kind of pressure that enables them to learn the lessons by heart and to think; side effects; encourages bad study habits; memorize mechanically rather than think creatively; fail to motivate students to seek more knowledge;

  4. On Environment: environmental protection is a worldwide problem. Cherish (flowers, grass, etc); These are our duty and obligation; have the consciousness of environment protection; the destruction/protection of our environment; ( Take measures): treat waste gases; protect water sources; purify waste ; lay down laws and regulations


2008年6月21日英语四六级考试答案交流 名师点评



