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来源:文都 2008-7-9 10:55:40 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  68.Therefore, it is urgent for the government to take immediate measures to solve the problem of water shortage. 因此,水缺乏问题亟待政府采取紧急措施子以解决.

  69.Though it is hard to do away with this convention, it is rewarding.虽然摆脱这个习俗很难,但是值得的。

  70.As far as I am concerned, I am fond of living at college. 就我而言,我喜欢住校。

  71.It is evident that traffic accidents may not only cause a lot of deaths but also produce economic losses.很明显,交通事故不仅能引起众多死亡,而且会造成经济损失。

  72.By contrast, those who are against keeping pets believe pets can not only pollute the human environment but also threaten people’s health.相反,那些反对养宠物的人相信宠物不仅污染人类的环境而且威胁人类的健康。

  73.Although there are some disadvantages to going abroad, the advantages seem to me outweigh the disadvantages.虽然出国有一些缺点,但在我看来似乎优点多于缺点。

  74.Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages.和汽车相比,自行车有很多优点。

  75.In choosing a hobby that will suit our individual needs we have to take account of several factors.要选择一个适合自己需要的业余爱好,我们得考虑几个因素。

  76.I think one of the main problems with today’s education is that too much emphasis is placed on test scores..我认为当今教育的主要问题之一是过于强调考试的分数了。

  77. Despite the popularity of a newer source of information ---television, reading a newspaper is still our most convenient way to find out about the world around us. 尽管一种更新的信息来源——电视一分受欢迎,读报纸仍然是我们了解周围的世界最方便的一种方式。

  78.No matter how well educated you may be, you will learn a lot during your travels.


  79.There are many means of recreation in which people engage in their leisure time.


  80. Only by adopting these measures can we reduce the fake commodities.


  81. Only by doing so can we improve the situation.只有这样做我们才能改善局面。

  82. For the sake of public health it is time to take actions to eliminate this cause of death.



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