2006年6月24日新英语四级考前最后重点点睛 来源:江涛英语 点击: 更新:2006-6-23


  Achievement(成就)->Secondly, young students may gain some sense of achievement through winning a game.

  Amusement(娱乐)-> It brings us a lot pleasure and amusement.

  Approach(途径,方法)->Learning foreign languages offers us a great approach to discovering new cultures.

  Atmosphere(大气,气氛,气息)->I think that temptation of city life, especially of the cultural atmosphere in big cities, is overwhelming, even though those unsolved troubles are still there.

  Combination(结合)->As neither of the two solutions is effective enough to solve the problem of heavy traffic in cities, I favor a combination of the two.

  Commodity(商品)->The commodities and service provided by society have become more diversified.

  Contribution(贡献)->If they continue to work in a way their health permits, old people can still make a great contribution to the society.

  Correlation(关系)->Previous studies have shown a correlation between violent computer games and agression.

  Curiosity(好奇心)->As we know, our textbooks remain unchanged for ages while the up-to date software on various subjects is easily available anywhere, say, on the internet, thus stirring up my curiosity about more knowledge.

  Depression(抑郁,消沉,萧条)->Raising pets gives them great happiness and helps relieve their pressure and depression.

  Enthusiasm(热情)-> Enthusiasm for one’s major is often a strong determinant of one’s success in it.

  Esteem(尊严)->Take care, though, with whom you choose to have close relationships for they can have a tremendous impact on your self-esteem and life path.

  Exploration(探索)->Despite the fact that many of my fellow students like other ways of learning, I never give up any opportunity to sit at my computer for the exploration of the ocean of knowledge.

  Fault(过错)->Parents must make clear that their divorce is no fault of their child.

  Harmony(协调)->We need to work hard to find a way to conduct an economy that is in harmony with the environment.

  Illustration(例证)->The development of literature is a very vivid illustration.

  Indulgence(沉溺)->But uncontrolled indulgence in physical recreation may lead us to the point of being strong in body but weak in brain.

  Innovation(创新,改革)->On the contrary, their creativity and innovation should be encouraged

  The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller.

  Intention(意图)->Good intention may sometimes lead to the adverse result.

  Involvement(参与)->Involvement in various kinds of activities could help make me a well rounded person.

  Merit(优点)->Frankly speaking, people who have some ideas of it cannot deny the merit born with the system.

  Obligation(义务)->Some people suggest that the old people’s children have the obligation to look after their old parents.

  Popularization(流行,普及)->And in many cities, the popularization of private cars is viewed as an important sign of local economic growth.

  Priority(优先权)-> Safety must be given the highest priority.

  Prospect(前途,展望)->For the sake of our students’ prospects, teachers should also be called on to respect students and add more attention to enlightening the individuality of the students.

  Restriction(限制)->From my point of view, the government should not give restrictions to artists.

  Shortage(缺乏)->Only steps are taken to deal with this problem immediately can we avoid a severe world-wide water shortage later on>

  Sights(眼界)->Television can widen our sights.

  Trait(特征)->Patience, compassion and empathy are also important traits in being a good friend or partner.

  Vehicle(交通工具)->Some kinds of animals have even been used as vehicles since the primitive society.


  Acquire(获得)->The most important task for college students is to acquire abundant knowledge and experience, which are quite essential to their future career.

  Advocate(提倡)-> There is no point advocating improved public transport unless we can pay for it.

  Arouse(激起)->They bring great pleasures to young people, train them to respond quickly and arouse their interest in computer science.

  Assist(帮助)->If we want to prevent a population explosion, we should take action now—or assist the poorer countries to do so.

  Boost(促进)->Artistic projects, which are symbols of the city, can boost local tourism .

  Claim(声称)->Those people who strongly oppose the practice claim that it violates people’s basic rights of working.

  Consume(消费,消耗)->However, going out to the cinema means taking a great deal of trouble to leave the house and consuming a lot of time.

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