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  11. (Nobody) who will not try to help the other people (develop) (his) abilities (deserves) to have friends.

  12. (there is ) often disagreement( as ) (to whom) is the (better) Shakespearean actor. Evans or Gielgud.

  13. John was ( the only one ) of the boys (whom) as you know ( was) not (eligible).

  14. The ( irritable) sergeant (was) insistent that nothing (superseded) the drilling of ( the forty new men.).

  15. (Still holding) the young man’s hand. he paused. and then (added deliberately): now I am not the man to let a cause (to be lost) ( for want of )a word.

  16. "What do you think about these pies?"

  " I would like to have_____".

  A. some other.

  B. another.

  C. the other.

  D. other.

  17. The Formation of snow (must be occurring) (slowly). in calm air. and at temperature (near) the ( freezing) point.

  18. Carol said (that) she (went) ( to) the supermarket (before coming) home.

  19. (Weighed) down by a mass of trivial detail. a housewife is fortunate if she (did not) soon (lose ) all her charm and (three-quarters )of her intelligence.

  20. When our neighbor’s daughter( caught) her fingers in the car door. she (did not cry) even though it (must) have (hurt) her.

  21. I will employ the man ______ they say is a fluent speaker of English.

  A. who.

  B. that.

  C. which.

  D. whom.

  22. "Then about tolstoy’s great novels".

  " who_____ has read his great novels can forget their fascination?"

  A. who.

  B. that.

  C. which

  D. whoever.

  23. Since the earliest ancestors of the whales were land creatures. the question has arisen as to how____________.

  A. did the flipper adaptation of the whale originate.

  B. was the flipper adaptation of the whale originated.

  C. the flipper adaptation of the whale originated.

  D. the flipper adaptation of the whale to originate.

  24. Most (aggregate) rocks are fused. and. (as is implied ) by the name. (has originated) (by the aggregation ) of smaller stones.

  25. The Amish. (whose) culture is (unique) American. have (developed) a (distinctive) tradition in organic farming.

  26. By the time smith (graduates) from (dental school). he will be (twenty-six) (years of age).

  27. (standing in the driveway). the house (appeared to be ) much smaller than (it had seemed ) (to us as children) many years ago.

  28. Kevin is (particularly) (fond of) cooking. and he (really) (cooks) delicious meals.

  29. I held an opinion that ( a honest man) who married and brought (up) a large family did more service than (he) who continued (single ) and only talked of the population.

  30. After (the church ) ( the men) stood together ( in the churchyard) (saying) he must be crazy.

  31. "do you need more water in the pan?"

  "no. it has ___________".

  A. already enough full.

  B. full already enough.

  C. already had enough.

  D. had already enough.








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