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来源:新东方 2008-8-29 15:08:33 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  39. If you ____ at school, you _____ a college student now.

  a. had studied hard; would have been b. should have studied hard; should have been

  c. had studied hard; would be d. would study hard; must have been

  40. If only I ____ as young as you are!

  a. being b. am c. be d. were


  1. I wish that it is true.

  答案:is 改为were

  2. The doctor suggests that she will not smoke.

  答案:will 改为should, 或去掉will

  3. She insists that they must give her a receipt.

  答案:must 改为should, 或去掉must

  4. Bill wished that he is more interested in his work.


  5. He would be a good sportsman now if he trained regularly.

  答案:trained 前面加上had

  6. I wish that somebody teaches me to sew.

  答案:teaches 改为taught

  7. I wish that you saw the charming opera yesterday.

  答案:saw 改为had seen

  8. This is not my dictionary. If it is mine I will lend it to you.

  答案:第二句话改为If it were mine I would lend it to you.

  9. If my watch were not slow yesterday, I would not have been late.

  答案:were not 改为 had not been

  10. If she had worked hard enough, she would pass the English exam.

  答案:would pass 改为would have passed

  11. If we could finish our work a little earlier today, we shall go to see the film.

  答案:shall 改为should

  12. What would be happened, if there were no sun, air or water?

  答案:be happened 改为happen

  13. Should the weather fine, we might go on a trip.

  答案:fine 前面加上be

  14. If it were not rain tomorrow, they might went to the Great Wall.

  答案:rain 前面加上to, went 改为go

  15. Long lives our motherland!

  答案:lives 改为live


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