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来源:新东方 2008-8-29 15:08:33 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  I wish it were autumn in Beijing all the year round.


  We wish you would spend the winter vacation with us.


  I wish I had not bought this car.

  Now, it’s time for you to make three wishes about your present, future, and past..

  I wish I were twenty years younger.

  I wish I could work for an NGO.

  I wish I had studied law in college.

  注意:wish 与hope接宾语从句的区别在于:hope表示一般可以实现的希望,宾语从句用陈述语气。Wish表示很难或不大可能实现的愿望,宾语从句用虚拟语气。请比较:

  We hope we will succeed. (We don’t know if we will succeed.)

  We wish we would succeed. (We know we can hardly succeed.)

  2、用在as if/as though,或even if/even though引导的从句中: 这时,如果从句中表示的动作发生在过去,则谓语动词用had+过去分词形式;如果指的时现在的状况,则用过去式(be用were);指将来则用would(should, could)+动词原形。这里只看从句动作发生的时间,与主句的时态没有关系。

  For example:

  Some metals look at first sight as though they were gold.

  He looked as if he were an artist.

  He speaks English so fluently as if he had studied English in the U.S.

  He always sounds as if he would help you.

  When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it were broken.

  Even if he were here, he could not solve the problem.


  She looks as if/though she were ill.


  He walks as if he were a king.


  He acted as if nothing had happened.


  He would not resign even if the heaven should collapse.

  3、在It is (high) time (that)…句型中,后面的从句的谓语动词常用过去式(be的过去式用were), 或用should+动词原形(should 不能省略)来表示。这句话的意思是“(现在)该…”。For example:

  It is time we left/should leave.

  It is high time that you got married.

  It is time that I bought a car.

  Now it is time that you made some sentences by using this pattern. Think about what you should do now.


  It is high time that I should lose some weight.

  It is time that I bought an apartment.

  It is time that we took a rest.

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