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  Suggestion Three

  And suggestion 3. And my suggestion is daily revision. Ten minutes a day. Weekly revision. One hour a week. Monthly revision. One hour a month. So that intervals, the first is a week, the next is a month. (除了学习新单词,还要注意复习这些单词。一天十分钟,一周一小时,一个月一小时——以这种频率不断温习这些单词,必能收到良好的效果。)

  Suggestion Four

  And the final suggestion is to spend more time on the words you find difficult. I found some students would like to go down a list from the first to the last, trying to memorize each one. You’ve got a vocabulary list. From first to the end. From the first to the end. Every day, they follow the same pattern. (重点记忆自己认为比较难的单词。不要年复一年地拿着词汇大纲从头看到尾。)

  Now there are two problems for this kind of practice. The words at the top of the list tend to be remembered better. Then the words further down. Right? Time is wasted on the words that have been learned. What can be done? I’ll give you an example. This example is given by a researcher. (不要把复习单词的时间浪费在已经记住的单词上面。)

  Now I give you the footnote there. Suppose you have got these new words in one text: rewarding, frustrating, junior, positive, senior, opportunity, online, technology, participate, virtual, virtual classroom. Ok. You’ve got so many words. Suppose all these words you are asked to learn. And you remember them at the end of the day. Let’s say. In the evening, you remember them. And tomorrow you go over them again. You found you forgot many of them. You only remember few of them. (举例来说,粗体部分是你要学习的新单词。头天你学习完毕,第二天复习的时候你发现只记住了其中的几个,却忘记了大多数。)

  So what should you do tomorrow? Should you go over them from the beginning to the end again? No. So this is the suggestion. If you, suppose you remember these words, junior, positive, senior, online, virtual, if you remember these words, put these words in another column. And then you only focus on, next day, you only focus your attention on the remaining five words. Don’t go over ten words again. Focus on five words. Ok. (那么,你不必再复习已经掌握的部分【比如说粗体标出的单词】,你只需复习你没有记住的另5个单词。)

  So you classify these words into three types. If you are familiar with them, you review them once. And then you review them once in a week. If you review them once in a week, no problem at all. You put them in a monthly column. So you review them once for a month. (你可以做一张三列的表,三列的标题分别为:daily, weekly 和monthly。起初,所有的单词都放在daily这列,第二天复习的时候,记住的单词就可以挪到weekly这列,如果周复习的时候你仍然记得它们,就可以将之挪到monthly这列。)

  But for those words, if you can not remember daily, you have to review them again and again. But the words become fewer and fewer. Not so many. So you can focus your attention on those things which are very difficult for you. This work makes learning more efficient. (如果放在daily栏中的单词始终记不住,那么就让它们始终呆在daily栏中,天天强化记忆。坚持使用这种方法,你会始终关注你最需要关注的单词,提高效率不说,你也会发现daily栏中的单词最终全部挪到monthly栏中,并永远刻在你的脑海中,一辈子无法遗忘。)

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