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  For the past two years, I have been working on students’ evaluation of classroom teaching. I have kept a record of informal conversations 71 some 300 students from at 72 twenty one colleges and universities. The students were generally 73 and direct in their comments 74 how course work could be better 75

  Most of their remarks were kindly 76—with tolerance rather than bitterness—and frequently were softened by the 77 that the students were speaking 78 some, not all, instructors. Nevertheless, 79 the following suggestions and comments indicate, students feel 80 with things as they are in the classroom. Professors should be 81 from reading lecture notes. “It makes their 82 monotonous (单调的).”If they are going to read, why not 83 out copies of the lecture? Then we 84 need to go to class. Professors should 85 repeating in lectures material that is in the textbook. 86 we’ve read the material, we want to 87 it or hear it elaborated on, 88 repeated.“A lot of students hate to buy a 89 text that the professor has written 90 to have his lectures repeat it.”

  71.A.involving B. countingC. coveringD. figuring

  72.A.best B. leastC.lengthD. large

  73.A.reserved B. hard?workingC. politeD. frank

  74.A.over B. atC. onD. of

  75.A.presented B. submittedC. describedD. written

  76.A.received B. addressedC. madeD. taken

  77.A.occasion B. truthC. caseD. fact

  78.A.on B. aboutC. atD. with

  79.A.though B. asC. whetherD. if

  80.A.dissatisfied B. unsatisfactoryC. satisfiedD. satisfactory

  81.A.interfered B. interruptedC. discouragedD. disturbed

  82.A.voices B. soundsC. pronunciationD. gestures

  83.A.hold B. leaveC. dropD. give

  84.A.couldn’t B. wouldn’tC. mustn’tD. shouldn’t

  85.A.refuse B. prohibitC. preventD. avoid

  86.A.Once B. UntilC. HoweverD. Unless

  87.A.remember B. argueC. discussD.keep

  88.A.yet B. notC. andD.or

  89.A.desired B. revisedC. requiredD.deserved

  90.A.about B. howC. butD.only

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