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最新版:大学英语四级背单词练听力(Unit Two)

来源:文都 2010-1-25 8:32:38 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Unit Two

  accident n. 事故,意外

  例:His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident. 他的左膝在一次交通事故中受伤了。by accident 偶然,意外的:We met by accident at the airport. 我们在机场不期而遇。拓展:accidental a. 事故的,意外的


  A: I’m so sorry I failed to take part in the match yesterday, but I wasn’t able to, I’m afraid.

  B: Well, don’t you think it’s a bit late to be sorry now?

  A:I know that, but there was very little I could do about it.

  B: It’s all very well saying that there was very little you could do about it, but because of you we lost the game!

  A: Yes, I heard, and I am sorry, but there was an accident on the way and I got stuck in the traffic.

  B: But why the hell didn’t you phone us to let us know?


  B :哦,难道你不认为现在道歉有点晚了吗?





  account v. 解释;n. 记述,描述

  例:In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guilty. 根据英国法律, 一个人未经证实有罪仍视为无罪。His illness accounts for his absence. 他因为生病,所以才缺席。搭配:account for 解释:The poor weather may account for the small crowd. 天气不好可能是人来的少的原因。take into account 考虑:We should take this factor into account. 我们应该考虑这个因素。拓展:on account of 由于,因为:She retired early on account of ill health. 她体弱多病,所以提前退休。accountant n. 会计师


  Husband: Hi, honey, here’s my last month’s salary.

  Wife: OK, darling. How about this? From now on we’ll put all your salary into our savings account and set aside 20% of my salary as Daniel’s education fund.

  Husband: That’s not a bad idea. But do you think the rest of your salary will be enough to cover our daily expenses?

  Wife: I got a raise. Have you forgotten it? It should be OK.

  Husband: Alright, dear. It’s up to you. I get a headache when it comes to figures.

  Wife: That’s why you need a wife like me.







  act v. ①扮演,表演 ②行动;n. ①行为 ②法令

  例:Think well before you act. 三思而后行。Parliament has passed an act forbidding the killing of rare animals. 国会通过了一项法令, 禁止捕杀珍稀动物。搭配:act as 担任,充当:Lucy acts as a monitor in her class. 露茜在班里当班长。act for 代表:John will act for his boss to have the meeting. 约翰将代表他老板参加会议。in the act of 正做……的过程中:He made great efforts in the act of saving the victims. 在救援过程中,他帮了大忙。拓展:action n. 行为,行动;acting n. 演技


  W: Your child has aboveaverage ability in reading.

  M: Really? I’ve seen her act like a professional on the soccer field, but I was worried about her performance in school.

  W: Well, I was a little worried that she might be biting off more than she can chew. But she is doing OK.

  M: Her mother and I don’t want her to bury her talents.

  W: Your daughter is a can-do person but no person should overdo it.

  M: I see your point, Ms. Johnson. I must say that your teaching is quite exceptional. With your perfect skill, you’ve brought the best out of our daughter.







  【注】bite off more than one can chew 力不从心;overdo it 作过头;exceptional a. 杰出的

  action n. ①行动 ②作用;v. 采取适当行动,采取措施

  例: The action lasted three hours. 战斗持续了三个小时。Your request will be actioned. 你的要求会处理的。搭配:take action 采取行动:Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading. 消防队员立即采取措施制止大火蔓延。in action 在活动中,在运转:Just press the button to see your favorite character in action. 只要按一下电钮,就可以欣赏你喜欢的角色的表演。into action 实行,实施:The new plan for traffic control is being put into action on an experimental basis. 新的交通管理方案正处于试运行阶段。


  A: There is a Beijing Opera show tonight. Let’s go and watch it together, all right?

  B: I’m afraid that I don’t understand it.

  A: It doesn’t matter. It’s an acrobatic fighting drama. Even if you dont understand the words, you can definitely understand it just by watching the action.

  B: Are the actors famous?

  A: I can’t recall their names, but according to the newspaper, they are all very famous.

  B: Can you get the tickets?

  A: No problem. I can definitely get them.








  【注】acrobatic a. 杂技的

  actually ad. 实际上,事实上

  例:He seems to be doing nothing, but actually he is just biding his time. 他看上去无所事事, 其实却在等待良机。This tree looks high and strong but actually its trunk is hollow. 这棵树看起来又高又壮, 实际上树干是空的。拓展:actual a. 实际的


  A: Working for four hours at a stretch really makes me tired. Why can’t we have a break like many other companies? We need at least a tea break.

  B: Our boss is dead nuts on work. Keeping on working and making money is what he has in his mind. Nothing else.

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