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最新版:大学英语四级背单词练听力(Unit Two)

来源:文都 2010-1-25 8:32:38 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  例:His wife has become a woman of some standing in the community. 他的妻子在社区中颇有地位。The money will go to finance a new community centre. 这些钱将用来资助新社区中心。


  A: Would you like to join the Volunteers’League?

  B: Do you think I’m crazy? I just quit the Student Council. I don’t want to be so busy. I gave up a good chance of getting scholarships for that。

  A: Joining the Volunteers’League won’t take you much time. It only has activities on the weekends. Come on, you won’t regret about joining this club. It’s different from other student clubs or unions.

  B: What’s the difference?

  A: We can do something for the community in Beijing. Isn’t that special? You can also learn a lot in the Volunteers’League. You will have a chance to learn how to communicate, how to arrange an activity and how to cooperate with your group members.

  B: Oh, it means that I will have a good chance to practice my Chinese. You win. Just tell me how to get enrolled for that club.







  competition n. ①比赛 ②竞争

  例:Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is fierce. 由于失业人数过多,职业竞争十分激烈。搭配:in competition with 和……竞争:We are in competition with 4 other companies for the contract. 我们在与其他四家公司竞争这项合同。拓展:compete v. 竞争

  听力扩展:Once upon a time, there was a crowd of frogs which were going to have a climbing competition, and the destination of which being the top of an extraordinarily high steel tower. A host of frogs were surrounding the steel tower, watching the competition and cheering for the competitors. At the beginning of the competition, frankly speaking, nearly no audience frogs believed that these little frogs could arrive at the top. They were talking about like this, “It is too difficult to reach the top! They surely can not arrive at the top! They can not be successful, because the tower is too high to climb!” After receiving those messages, frogs began to lose heart from one to another, and only a few passionate frogs were still climbing. However, the audience frogs still kept shouting, “It is too difficult and no one could reach the top!” More and more frogs became tired and quitted from the competition. Nonetheless, there was a frog still climbing higher and higher, which had no sense of giving up. It tried very hard and finally became the only winner who arrived at the top. One frog ran to ask the winner where the strength came from during the whole competition. He then finally found out that this frog was totally a deaf!从前,有一群青蛙,组织了一场攀爬比赛,比赛的终点是一座非常高的铁塔的塔尖。一大群青蛙围着铁塔看比赛,给他们加油。比赛开始了,老实说,群蛙中没有谁相信这些小小的青蛙会到达塔顶,他们都在议论:“这太难了!他们肯定到不了塔顶!他们绝不可能成功的,塔太高了!”听到这些,一只又一只的青蛙开始泄气了,只有情绪高涨的几只还在往上爬。群蛙继续喊着:“这太难了!没有谁能爬上顶的!”越来越多的青蛙累坏了,退出了比赛。但有一只却越爬越高,一点没有放弃的意思。最后,它费了很大的劲,终于成为唯一一只到达塔顶的胜利者。一只青蛙跑上前去问胜利者它哪来那么大的力气跑完全程。结果发现这只青蛙是个聋子!【注】extraordinarily ad. 非常地;frankly speaking 老实说

  conclude v. ①结束 ②作出决定

  例:Once the price had been agreed, a deal was quickly concluded. 价格一经商定,交易很快就达成了。From his appearance we may safely conclude that he is a chain smoker. 从他的外表看,我们可以有把握地断定他烟抽得很凶。搭配:conclude with (使)结束,终止:The performance concluded with Stravinsky’s ‘Rite of Spring’. 演出以斯特拉文斯基的《春之祭》结束。拓展:conclusion n. 结论,结束

  听力扩展:Smile is the unaffected, unplanned, natural connection between people. I tell this story in my work because I’d like people to consider that underneath all the layers we construct to protect ourselves, our dignity, our titles, our degrees, our status and our need to be seen in certain ways―underneath all that remains the authentic, essential self. I’m not afraid to call it the soul. I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn’t be enemies. We couldn’t have hate or envy or fear. I sadly conclude that all those other layers, which we so carefully construct through our lives, distance and insulate us from truly contacting others.微笑是人与人之间最自然真挚的沟通方式。我在作品中讲这个故事,是希望人们能仔细想想以下的事情:人常常为自己建立层层的保护膜,为了维护尊严、头衔、身份、形象等,而必须有所隐藏。我相信在这些掩饰下,每个人都有一个真实、不虚伪的灵魂。如果我们能用心灵去认识彼此,世间不会有结怨成仇的憾事;恨意、妒嫉、恐惧也会不复存在。可惜的是,人们小心翼翼为自己所建造的保护膜,却阻隔了自己与他人真诚相对的机会。【注】authentic a. 可信的;insulate v. 隔离

  effective a. 有效的,有影响的

  例:The president promised swift and effective retribution against the terrorists. 总统答应会迅速有效地惩罚恐怖分子。Advertising is often the most effective method of promotion. 登广告往往是最有效的推销方式。拓展:effect n. 影响,结果;effectiveness n. 有效性

  听力扩展: Eagle is the world’s longest life expectancy of birds. It lives up to the age of 70. To live such a long life expectancy, at 40 years of age it must make a difficult but important decision. When the Hawks live up to the age of 40, its claws start aging, unable to effectively seize the prey. Its wings have become very heavy because its feathers grow thick and strong and make it very difficult to fly. There are only two options:die, or rebirth through a very painful update process of 150-day long training session.鹰是世界上平均寿命最长的鸟类,它可以活到70岁。为了长寿,40岁时,鹰必须做一个艰难但是重要的决定。鹰活到40岁时,爪子开始老化,再也不能有效地捕食。由于羽毛厚而壮,它们的翅膀变得非常笨重,难于飞翔。眼前只有两条路:死亡,或者穿越一个痛苦的150天的磨砺,获得重生。

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