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最新版:大学英语四级背单词练听力(Unit Two)

来源:文都 2010-1-25 8:32:38 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  听力扩展: I had just pulled over someone for driving under the influence when another car pulled up behind us. I stopped what I was doing and walked back to see if the driver needed assistance. “No, I don’t need any help,” he said. Then, pointing to the alarming light on the roof of my police wagon, he continued, “I just stopped for the red light.”我刚刚把一个酒后驾驶的司机的车拦了下来,一辆车就紧跟着停在了我的车后面。我停下手上的工作,径直走到后面的车那里,看看那位司机是否需要帮助。“我没事,我不需要什么帮助”,他说。接着,他指着我警车上闪着的红色警灯,“看到红灯,所以我停下来了。”【注】under the influence 醉酒;police wagon 警车

  knowledge n. ① 知识 ②了解

  例:She has a detailed knowledge of this period. 她对这段时期的情况相当了解。搭配:to one’s knowledge 据某人所知:To my knowledge, they get on well with each other. 据我所知,他们相处得很融洽。come to one’s knowledge 被某人知道,被某人获悉:It has come to our knowledge that you have been taking time off without permission. 我们了解到你们时常未经允许就不上班。拓展:knowledgeable a. 知识渊博的,有见识的

  听力扩展: Once upon a time there was a small island on which lived Happy, Sad, Knowledge and Love. One day, feeling that the island was about to sink, they were ready to ship, leaving the island. Only Love to stay, she wanted to hold on until the last minute. After a few days, the small island really sank, and Love would like to be helped. At this time, Rich, riding on a ship, passed by. Love said, “Rich, you can take me away?” Rich replied, “No, I’m on board many of the treasures of gold and silver, not your position.” Sad came over. Love asked for help, “Sad, let me go with you!” “Oh. Love, I am sad too, and want to stay for a while a person!” replied Sad. Happy passed, but she was too happy, and did not hear Love! All of a sudden, a voice, “Come! Love, I take you away.” This is an elderly person. More than happy, Love forgot to ask his name. On land, the elderly walked away alone. Love asked Knowledge of an elderly person, “Who is helping me?” “He is the time.” replied the elderly Knowledge. “Time?” Love asked, “Why does he help me?” Knowledge of the elderly smiled, “Only time will understand how great love is.”从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐、悲哀、知识和爱。一天,得知小岛快要下沉了,大家都准备船只离开小岛。只有爱留了下来,她想坚持到最后一刻。过了几天,小岛真的要下沉了,爱想请人帮忙。这时,富裕乘着一艘大船经过。爱说:“富裕,你能带我走吗?”富裕答道:“不,我的船上有许多金银财宝,没有你的位置。”悲哀过来了,爱向她求助:“悲哀,让我跟你走吧!”“哦,爱,我实在太悲哀了,想自己一个人呆一会!”悲哀答道。快乐走过爱的身边,但是她太快乐了,竟然没有听到爱在叫她!突然,一个声音传来:“过来!爱,我带你走。”这是一位长者。爱大喜过望,竟忘了问他的名字。登上陆地以后,长者独自走开了。爱对长者感恩不尽,问知识老人:“帮我的那个人是谁?”“他是时间。”知识老人答道。“时间?”爱问道,“为什么他要帮我?”知识老人笑道:“因为只有时间才能理解爱有多么伟大。”

  local a. ①地方性的,当地的 ②局部的

  例:I suggest that he put an advertisement in the local paper. 我建议他在当地的报纸上登条广告。He provided local delicacies for his guests’meal. 他用当地的美味佳肴来招待客人。拓展:locality n. 位置,地点

  听力扩展: An elderly woman and her little grandson whose face was sprinkled with bright freckles spent the day at the zoo. Lots of children were waiting in line to get their cheeks painted by a local artist who was decorating them with tiger paws. “You’ve got so many freckles there’s no place to paint!” a girl in the line said to the little fellow. Embarrassed, the little boy dropped his head. His grandmother knelt down next to him. “I love your freckles. When I was a little girl I always wanted freckles”, she said while tracing her finger across the childs cheek, “Freckles are beautiful.” The boy looked up, “Really?” “Of course,” said the grandmother, “Just name me one thing that’s prettier than freckles in me.” The little boy thought for a moment, peering intensely into his grandma’s face, and softly whispered, “Wrinkles.”一位老太太和她长满雀斑的小孙子一起在动物园里游玩。很多小孩都在排队等候一位当地的艺术家在他们脸上画出虎爪的造型。“你脸上这么多雀斑,都没地方画了!”队列中有个女孩儿对小男孩说。小男孩感到很难堪,就低下头。奶奶蹲下来对他说:“我喜欢你的雀斑,我小时候总想长这些雀斑呢,”她抚摩着男孩的脸颊,“雀斑很美丽!” 男孩抬起头,“真的吗?”“当然是真的,”奶奶说,“你看我身上还有什么比雀斑更美丽呢?” 小男孩想了一下,又认真地凝视着奶奶的面孔,小声地说:“皱纹。”【注】freckle n. 雀斑;wrinkle n. 皱纹

  maintain[menten] v. 维持,坚持

  例:Mankind has been trying every means to maintain the balance of nature. 人类想方设法维持生态平衡。拓展:maintenance n. 维护,生活费

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