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最新版:大学英语四级背单词练听力(Unit Four)

来源:文都 2010-1-27 8:59:08 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  例:A new crisis has arisen. 新危机已经出现。He arose at dawn. 他黎明即起。搭配:arise out of/from sth.(由……)引起;(由……)产生:Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause. 身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。

  assemble v. ①集合, 聚集,收集 ② 装配, 组合

  例:A crowd had assembled outside the gates. 人群已聚集在门外。These cars are assembled in Britain. 这些汽车是在英国装配的。拓展:assembly n. 集会,集合,集合的人们

  听力扩展: A husband and wife were watching a TV show one night in which a wife hired a private detective to follow her husband to assemble some evidence and see if he was cheating on her. So, the husband asked the wife if she would ever do that to him. The wife said, “Yes, of course I would! Not so much to find out about the other woman, but to see if I could find out what she saw in you!”一天晚上,一对夫妇正看着电视,剧中的老婆雇用私家侦探跟踪她的先生搜集证据,看看他是否对她不忠。先生问太太说,她是否也会这样做?太太说:“是!当然会,但不是为了找出另一个女人是谁,而是为了查看她到底看中你哪一点?”【注】detective n. 侦探

  assign[san] v. ①分配,交给 ②指派,委派

  例:They have assigned me a small room. 他们给我分配了一个小房间。The captain assigned two soldiers to guard the gate. 上尉派了两个士兵守大门。He assigned the students a few books to read. 他给学生指定了几本必读书。搭配:assign sth. to sb./ assign sb. sth. 安排,布置:The teacher assigned a different task to each of the students. / The teacher assigned each of the students a different task. 老师给每个学生布置的作业都不同。


  A: How do I find out which classes I should take for my major?

  B:What is your major?


  B:Go to the Biology Department and ask them to assign someone to advise you.

  A:And they will tell me what I need to take for my degree?

  B:Yes, and they will even recommend some helpful courses for your major.

  A:I see, thanks.








  assignment n. ①任务,作业 ②分派,指派

  例:His assignment was to follow the spy. 他的工作是跟踪间谍。What is today’s assignment in history? 今天历史课的作业是什么? 搭配:on assignment执行任务:I was on assignment for a German magazine. 我被派往一家德国杂志社。


  W: Why are you alone? Where is your girlfriend?

  M: She has her own business, and she is my ex-girlfriend.

  W: What’s happened? I saw you hand in hand yesterday.

  M: We just broke up. I’d rather talk about something else.

  W: Oh, I forgot. Professor Lee said that if you didn’t hand up your assignment as soon as possible, you course would fail.

  M: Shit, why not tell me at first?

  W: I am sorry. I just wonder why you and your ex-girlfriend didn’t walk together.

  M: Please, stop talking. Tell me the topic and how to do it.

  W: I am not sure how to do it, but I think you should ask the professor how to finish you work.

  M: And he would kill me.


  男: 她有她自己的事情,还有,她是我的前女友。








  男:然后他就杀了我。(你这不是成心害我吗?)【注】ex-girlfriend 前女友

  attempt v. 试图,尝试;n. 尝试,试图,企图

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