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最新版:大学英语四级背单词练听力(Unit Four)

来源:文都 2010-1-27 8:59:08 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  例:He attempted the exam but failed. 他试图通过考试,但失败了。After repeated attempts they finally succeeded. 经过反复尝试,他们终于成功了。搭配:attempt at sth./at doing sth. 尝试做某事:The couple made several unsuccessful attempts at a compromise. 这对夫妇几次试图和解均未成功。

  attribute v. 把……归因于,认为是……所为;n. 属性,特性

  例:She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck. 她认为她的成功来自勤劳和一点点运气。We attributed this saying to Shakespeare. 我们认为这句格言出自莎士比亚。搭配:attribute sth. to把某物归功于;认为某物是(某人)创造的拓展:attributive a. 属性的,(指形容词或名词)用作定语的

  听力扩展: The survey, conducted by CTR Market Research, the largest research consulting firm in China, covers mostly single white collars aged 2330. Most of the young respondents attribute their marriage problem to “busy work” and “having little time to make friends with opposite sex.” It also shows that many young people place high requirements for their marriage partners. Some young people are introverted and do not enjoy being together with people of their opposite sex. Some work and live independently in a large city far away from their hometown, their parents and their relatives. In this case, their friends and relatives cannot help them in their life. Some young people do not take marriage issue seriously. All these have become constraints that delay white-collar people’s marriage.这项调查由中国最大的研究咨询公司央视市场研究有限公司进行的,被调查者大多是23~30岁的单身白领。大多数的年轻受访者将他们的婚姻问题归结于“忙工作”或者“没有时间和异性朋友在一起。”调查还表明,许多年轻人对结婚伴侣要求较高。一些青年性格内向,不喜欢与异性在一起。一些人远离家乡、父母和亲属,在大城市独立工作和生活。在这种情况下,他们的朋友和亲人也无法帮助他们。一些年轻人没有认真考虑过结婚问题。所有这些已成为延迟白领婚姻的原因。【注】introverted a. 性格内向的人;constraint n. 限制,制约

  audience n. 观众,听众,读者

  例:The audience was clapping for 10 minutes. 观众鼓掌长达十分钟。When she finished her speech,the audience applauded. 她讲完后,听众鼓掌。

  authority n. ①权力,管辖权 ②当局,官方 ③权威人士,专家

  例:A policeman has the authority to arrest lawbreakers. 警察有权逮捕犯法的人。The local authorities decided to build a suspension bridge over the river. 该地区政府决定在这条河上建一座吊桥。搭配:authority over sb./sth. 对人或事物的管辖权:He had absolute authority over his subordinates. 他对下属有绝对的管辖权。authority on sth. 某方面的专家:Mr. Li is a leading authority on Chinese food. 李先生是中餐方面的专家。拓展:authorize v. 批准


  A: Do you hear that?


  A:A case of H1N1 has been found in our school.

  B:Oh my god. It’s a big piece of news. Who is diagnosed H1N1?

  A:It’s said that a new comer from abroad.

  B:What did the authority say? Did they take any steps?

  A:They hope all the students should take care of themselves and measure their body temperature regularly.

  B:It’s really serious. We all need to be careful and keep away from the crowded places.

  A:Do you believe that more and more cases will be found in the coming days?

  B:I hope not.










  B:希望不会。【注】diagnose v. 诊断

  auto n. auto=automobile 汽车

  例:Don’t park your auto here. 别把你的汽车停在这儿。


  W: Hey, you drive a Toyota? I thought you’d never buy a Japanese-made car.

  M: Well, so far I’ve only driven American-made cars, and I’ve had so much trouble with them, so I finally changed my mind and decided to buy a Japanese car.

  W: I don’t blame you. After all, the Japanese build better cars.

  M: They sure do. The American auto makers need to learn how to build better cars than their Japanese competitors.

  W:You said it.






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