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来源:文都 2010-3-3 8:37:22 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  第二部分 完形填空——真题评析与提高


  Older people must be given more chances to learn if they are to contribute to society rather than be a financial burden, according to a new study on population published recently.

  The current approach which 67 on younger people and on skills for employment is not 68 to meet the challenge of demographic (人口结构的) change, it says. Only 1% of the education budget is 69 spent on the oldest of the population.

  The 70 include the fact that most people can expect to spend a third of their lives in 71 ,that there are now more people over 59 than under 16 and 11.3 million people are 72 state pension age.

  “ 73 needs to continue throughout life. Our historic concentration of policy attention and resources 74 young people cannot meet the new 75 ” says the report’s author. Professor Stephen.

  The major 76 of our education budget is spent on people below the age of 25. 77 people are changing their jobs, 78 , partners and lifestyles more often than 79 , they need opportunities to learn at every age 80 .some people are starting new careers in their 50s and later.

  People need opportunities to make a “midlife review” to 81 to the later stage of employed life and to plan for the transition (过渡) 82 retirement, which may now happen 83 at any point from 50 to over 90, says McNair.

  And there should be more money 84 to support people in establishing a 85 of identity and finding constructive 86 for the “ third age”, the 20 or more years they will spend in healthy retired life.

  67. A) operates B) focuses C) counts D) depends

  68. A) superior B) regular C) essential D) adequate

  69. A) currently B) barely C) anxiously D)heavily

  70. A)regulations B) obstacles C) challenges D) guidelines

  71. A)enjoyment B) retirement C) stability D) inability

  72. A) over B) after C) across D)beside

  73. A) Indentifying B) Learning C)Instructing D) Practicing

  74. A) at B) by C) in D) on

  75. A) desires B) realms C) needs D) intentions

  76. A) measure B) ratio C) area D) portion

  77. A) When B) Until C) Whether D)Before

  78. A) neighbors B)moods C) homes D)minds

  79. A) age B) ever C) previously D) formerly

  80. A) For example B) By contras C) In particular D) On average

  81. A) transform B)yield C) adjust D) suit

  82. A) within B) from C) beyond D) to

  83 .A) unfairly B) unpredictably C) instantly D) indirectly

  84. A) reliable B) considerable C) available D)feasible

  85. A) sense B) conscience C)project D)definition

  86. A) ranks B) assets C) ideals D) roles





  75. 在四个选项中,meet the new need表示“满足新的需要”,desire愿望,欲望;realm界,领域,范围; intention意图,意向,目的。均不能与meet搭配。所以只有B项正确。

  76. 在四个选项中,与education buget只有portion,所以此句的主语构成“教育预算的大部分”。【语境词汇题】

  79. more often than ever“很频繁地,比以往任何时候都”。【固定搭配题】

  82. transition名词,表示过渡,转变,变迁。常用的搭配transition (from sth.) (to sth.)表示从……过渡到……【固定搭配题】

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