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  [A]thick [B]darkness [C]asserted [D]continuously[E]blaze

  [F]atmosphere[G]outlines [H]contained [I]salty [J]immediately

  [K]process [L]barely [M]worn [N]poured [O]abundant

  When the earth was born, there was no ocean.The gradually cooling earth was enveloped in heavy layers of cloud,which 1 much of the water of new planet.For a long time its surface was so hot that no moisture could fall without 2 being reconverted to steam.This dense, perpetually renewed cloud covering much have been so 3 that no rays of sunlight could penetrate it.And so the rough 4 of the continents and the empty ocean basins(盆地)were sculptured out of the surface of the earth in 5 .

  As soon as the earth’s crust cooled enough,the rains begin to fall.They fell 6 ,day and night,days passing into months, into years, into centuries.They 7 into the waiting ocean basins, or, falling upon the continental masses,drained away to become sea.

  That primeval(原始的)ocean must have been only faintly 8 .But from the moment the rains began to fall, the lands began to be 9 away and carried to the sea. It is an endless, inexorable(不可动摇的) 10 that has never stopped—the dissolving of the rocks, the leaching out of their contained minerals, the carrying of the rock fragments and dissolved minerals to the ocean. And over the eons of time, the sea has grown ever more bitter with the salt of the continents.


  1.Do you think it worthwhile (花这么多的时间和精力来安排这样一个活动)?

  2.Do you believe (那些所谓的名人拍的医院广告吗)?

  3.Although the prices of medicine have been reduced several times, (但许多人仍然觉得难以承担).

  4.Their sudden attack (使我们更加注意我们周围的危险).

  5.In the budget for this building, they failed to (考虑价格增长的因素).


  (一)1.[H] 2.[J] 3.[A] 4.[G]5.[B]

  6.[D] 7.[N] 8.[I] 9.[M] 10.[K]


  1.to spend so much time and energy(in)arranging an activity like this

  2.the advertisements which are made by so-called famous people for the hospitals

  3.many people still find it difficult to afford it

  4.made us more aware of the danger around us

  5.consider/take into account the factor of increasing price
