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  A Time to Say Hello

  The year began softly. The weather in Southern China was warm and so were the students. The unexpected events of the year to come began to unfold, much too soon to become only an innocent treasured memory. Something precious should be held tight and not let it go. It was to be a year of surprises and a year of love. The Chinese have an expression for it, “Yuan fen”. A westerner would only question why and how. With your permission let us share the experience together.  He sat at the front of the classroom looking anxious but attentive. In those first few days, his eyes bright with anticipation(期望) sought approval from me, his teacher. He claims now that he understood very little content in the lessons of the first few weeks. However, he successfully managed to give the appropriate illusion(假象,错觉) of understanding well. He made me laugh and his peering was also delighted in his sense of humor. He dressed with attention to detail, and his neat appearance, whether in jeans or current fashion, was distinct, a cool guy! There was always something enchanting(使迷惑) in his smile, he was charming and handsome and he knew it! Moreover, he was a gentleman. His eyes revealed so much when they crinkled(起皱) with laughter, the mask removed, or conversely remained inscrutable(难以理解的,神秘的) like still pools of liquid chocolate, containing only a hint of belief.  His first writing assignment revealed the fact that he liked me and that he hoped we could be friends, “very good friends”. At that time neither of us suspected just how true that prophecy(预言) would eventually become. Inwardly, I just laughed. This was the first of several laughs that showed how little I understood. His presence permeated(散布,弥漫) my classroom and my world.  About a month later our lives began to intertwine(相互缠绕) and the delicately woven pattern of our lives began to become more intricate(错综复杂) in the coming year. Relationships occur on many levels. Layer upon layer must separate in order for us to speak of inner feelings. It is up to the individual to analyze the variety of feelings at each level.  As time passed, we shared our viewpoints and feelings through conversation while chatting(聊天) over tea and coffee, arousing the emotion deep in our hearts.  One day flowed smoothly into another. Familiar experience for me proved to be exciting and stimulating for him. Western festival celebrations like Halloween(万圣节前夕), Christmas and Valentine’s Day(情人节) provided an avenue to celebrate together, to share warmth and good times. Traveling to new places introduce me to an enticing(迷人的) new world.  Every day there was laughter and underlying cares that carried both of us along to some degree of happiness. We learned together English and learned about life that year. Strangely the gap in our ages did not create any barrier for our friendship, he young and vital, and I was feeling young again.  He offered his assistance, whenever I needed it. He offered his company for comfort, when death visited my door. What did he drive from this agenda, but a few paltry(不足取的,无价值的) words in a foreign language? May be it was all worthwhile, maybe it will open a window wide and provide a pass port to a new world for his future.  Time continues to slip by as a rushing river. You no longer inhabit(居住于) my daily world, only my memory. From a distance your voice informs me that you are continuing to learn, you are growing. Some days you are happy, others not quite so much.  However, here around me, there is nothing, only a ghost-like figure, waving from your window and a familiar waft(飘来) of fragrance(芳香) as I stand alongside your newly occupied desk. There is nothing and yet there is everything. My mind remains idle, with only fragments of images drifting in and out. I can no longer be absolutely certain whether this was only a dream.  We no longer occupy the same space, but I remind myself that we still occupy the same world. When we chance to meet, hands reach out; hearts embrace, and once again confirm the same magic feeling. Such friendships come rarely in a lifetime. Thereby, I feel blessed(幸福的) and lucky.

  相知相识  这一年悄然开始了。在中国的南方,气候温暖宜人,学生们热情有加。来年中那些意想不到的事情开始展现出来,很快,又会变成清纯美好的回忆。应当把握真情,不言放弃。那是一年的惊喜,一年的爱意。对此,汉语里有个说法叫做“缘分”。西方人可能只会问为什么,怎么了。要是你愿意的话,那么就请与我一起来分享这段经历吧。  他坐在教室的前面,看起来有些焦急忧虑,但很专心。最初的那几天,他那明亮的眼睛里,充满了得到我这个老师认同的渴望。现在,他承认,对于头几个星期的课程,他几乎没听懂。然而,他却设法装成了理解得差不多的样子。我禁不住感到好笑,他那很有幽默感的凝视也显露出高兴的样子。他的穿着很注意细节,外表整洁,不管是牛仔裤还是时装都别具一格,简直酷极了。他的微笑总是那么迷人。他英俊潇洒,讨人喜欢,他自己也深知这一点。而且,他也是绅士。他有时眯着眼笑的时候,就抛掉了所有的掩饰,有时又故作神秘,像一杯平静的热巧克力,叫价难以捉摸。不管怎样,他的眼睛都流露出他的绅士风范。  他第一次写作业,就表露出他喜欢我,并希望我们成为朋友,“非常好的朋友”。那时,我们都没想到这个预言最终会变成现实。我只在心里笑了笑。那是表露我毫不知情的几次笑声中的第一次。从此,他出现在我的课堂和我的生活里。  大约一个月后,我们的交往变得密切起来。这种精心培植的生活模式,在新的一年中变得更加微妙。关系涉及到诸多层次,只有把各个层次分开,我们才能说出内心感受。我们必须按各自的观点去分析在每个层次的不同感受。  随着时间的流逝,我们快乐地在一起交谈,一边品茶、饮咖啡,一边聊天,述说自己的观点和感受,在我们内心深处涌动着热烈的情谊。  不知不觉中,日子一天一天地过去了。我所熟悉的那些感觉竟然也使他兴奋、激动。像万圣节前夕、圣诞节和情人节这些西方的喜庆节日,为我们提供了在一起庆祝的机会,共享温馨美好的时光。我们还到一些新的地方旅游,把我带入一个迷人的新世界。  每天的笑声和深情的关怀,使我们总是生活在幸福之中。这一年,我们一起学习英语,也学习如何生活。很奇怪,我们的年龄代沟没有给我们的友谊带来一点障碍。他年轻,充满活力。我也感觉自己年轻了。  无论我何时需要,他都能提供帮助。当死神光顾我的时候,他陪伴我,给我安慰。从这些事情中,他得到了什么呢?仅仅为了几个微不足道的外语单词?也许那就足够了,或许会为他的将来打开一扇窗户,为他提供一种通往一个新世界的手段。  时间像奔流的江水,不停地逝去。你不再出现在我每天的世界里,只留在了我的记忆中。从你远方传来的声音里,我知道了你在继续学习,不断成长,有时快乐,有时也并不如意。  然而现在,我身边空无一物,只有一个梦幻般的身影从你的窗户里翩然而至,还有那每当我站在你的新课桌旁时那熟悉的气息。一无所有,但又拥有一切。我头脑空空如也,进进出出的都是那些映像的片断。我再也无法肯定这是否只是一场梦幻。  我们不再拥有同一片空间,但我清楚,我们依然拥有同一个世界。倘若还有机会相遇,我们会伸出双手,真心拥抱,再次重温这奇妙的感觉。真诚友谊,终生难求。对此,我觉得很幸福,很幸运。
