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  141. in consequence of (=as a consequence of)由于…的结果

  142. under consideration 在考虑中

  143. in consideration of (=in return for, on account of, because of )由于

  144. on no consideration(in no case)无论如何也不

  145.take…into consideration (=take account of, take…into account)考虑到, 把 …考虑进去

  146. considerate (=thoughtful of the needs) 体贴的, 考虑他人需要的, considerable相当大的,值得考虑的

  147. consist of(=be composed of)由…组成的. consist in主要在于. consist with符合,与…一致

  148. be consistent with(=be in agreement with)与…一致. be consistent in一贯的 ,

  149. consult sb. on about sth. 向…征求…方面的意见, 就…向…请教

  150. to one’s heart’s content尽情地,痛痛快快

  151. be content with(=be satisfied with) 满足于be content to do sth. 愿意做某事

  152. contrary to (=in opposition to) 与…相反

  153. on the contrary 相反

  154. contrast…with 把…与…相对(对照)

  155. in contrast towith 和…形成对比 by contrast 对比之下

  156. contribute to 有助于

  157. under control (被)控制住 out of control无法控制

  158. at one’s convenience(=where and when it suits one) 在方便的时间或地点 .be convenient to for 对…方便

  159. convince sb. of (=cause sb. to believe or feel certain; to persuade sb.) 使某人确信,try to persuade sb. to do sth.劝说某人做…

  160. cope with(=deal with, try to find a solution to)应付, 处理

  161. in the corner(of)在角落里;on(at) the comer of a street在街道拐弯处;round the comer拐过弯; be in a tight corner陷入困境

  162. correspond (with) ( =exchange letters regularly) 通信

  163. correspond to 相当于 . correspond with 符合,一致

  164. at all costs不惜任何代价 . at the cost of 以…为代价

  165. a matter of course 理所当然的事

  166. as a matter of course 当然地, 自然地

  167. in (during) the course 在…过程中

  168. in due course (=without too much delay) 没经过太久, 到一定时候

  169. on credit赊购; with credit以优异成绩; to one’s credit使某人感到光荣; do sb. credit 使…感到光荣

  170.be critical of 爱挑毛病的,批评的

  171. cure sb. of+某种疾病 治好某人的疾病

  172.a danger to对…的危险; be in danger(of)处于…危险中; be out of danger脱离危险

  173. to date(=so far, until now) 到目前为止

  174. out of date过时的;up to date新式的,时兴的; date back to可追溯到; date from从某时期开始(有)

  175. deal with (=concern) 论及

  176. be in debt to sb. 欠…的债

  177. on the decline 在衰退中, 在减少中 in decline 下降; on the increase 在增加

  178. to one’s delight 令某人感到高兴 to one’s regret 遗憾; sorrow悲痛; relief 安心; distress 苦恼; shame羞愧; surprise 惊奇; astonishment 惊奇;

  179. delight in(=take great pleasure in doing sth.)喜欢, 取乐

  180. take (a) delight in 喜欢干…, 以…为乐

  181. demand sth. of sb. 向某人要求(非物质的)东西. demand sth. from sb. 向某人要求(物质的)东西

  182.in demand有需求;on demand受到要求时

  183. be dependent on 依靠

  184. deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺某人某物

  185. derive…from(=obtain…from)从…取得,由…来的.derive from(=come from)起源于

  186. despair of (=lose all hope of) 绝望

  187. in despair 绝望

  188. despite (=in spite of) 不管, 尽管

  189. in detail 详细地

  190. deviate from 偏离, 不按…办

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