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  39.看 凝视

  see: To experience with the eyes and it does not depend on what you want to do.

  look at: To use your eyes on purpose and with attention.

  watch: to look for some time at something that may move.

  gaze: To look long and steadily, often with the implication of

  wonder, admiration.

  stare: To gaze intently esp. with wide-open eyes as in amusement,

  admiration, wonder, deep thought, anger or fear.

  glance: To look at something quickly and briefly.

  glimpse: To see by chance, just for a moment.

  glare: To stare angrily, fiercely.

  It emphasizes hospitality or fear.

  peep: To look quickly and secretly or from a hiding place.

  peer: To look sharply and curiously with a narrowing of the eyes

  often a movement of the head forward.

  gape: To look hard in surprise, esp. with the mouth open.


  quiet: Without any sound. A quiet person is not noisy or loud. A quiet street may have little or no traffic on it.

  still: Without any movement.

  An engine is still if it is not running.

  silent: Without any words.

  calm: Peaceful. A calm person is relaxed. He doesn"t get excited easily.

  peaceful: (something) Gentle and restful and calm.

  It is very peaceful in the country.


  destroy: To damage it so much that it is completely ruined.

  The enemy soldiers destroyed everything in sight when they captured the village.

  damage: To hurt or lower the value of something.

  The car was damaged in the accident.

  ruin: To destroy gradually, little by little. An object that has been ruined has lost all its value or usefulness, which can"t be repaired or fixed.

  Moths ruined good woolen clothes by eating holes in them.

  spoil: To ruin something so it can"t be used.

  Milk will spoil if it is not kept cold.

  demolish: To destroy big or substantial things such as buildings

  Many buildings had to be demolished before the new highway could be built.

  exterminate: To destroy in a big way or in large amount.

  wreck: To break it, destroy it, or spoil it completely.

  It usually refers to vessels or vehicles.


  result: The most general one.

  What happens because of something else.

  It indicates a strict causal link between the two events.

  The word may often suggest an earlier action

  deliberately taken to gain a particular goal. It suggests a unique or unpredictable one-time action.

  consequence: (fml) Something that follows from an action or condition.

  More often the word suggests a negative result or at least the negative concomitant (相伴的) of an otherwise desirable effect.

  Cancer is a consequence of smoking.

  effect: A special or particular result.

  It gives a more objective almost scientific tone and emphasizes a principle that underlies a chain of events.

  Did the medical have a good effect.

  43.表明 代表

  mean: The most general one

  show: To show that something exists or is true means to prove it. It refers to the agreed- upon ideas or thing that words or signs stand for.

  suggest: To cause to come to mind.

  It by contrast concentrates specifically on covert or

  implicit qualities or association in signs or language.

  It stresses tentative alternatives in meaning.

  He claims to mean one thing, but his choice of words suggests quite another.

  The sight of birds suggested a new idea for flying machine.

  indicate: To make a sign for/clear.

  It stresses a rough approximation of literal meaning.

  A high fever indicates severe illness.

  His answer indicated that I could leave.

  imply: To express indirectly.

  It stresses subtlety or complexity of association.

  His manner implies that he would like cone with us.

  Do you realize what his words imply?

  denote: To be a mark of.

  It specially refers to what a term strictly or literally means.

  The sign x denotes an unknown number.

  A smile often denotes pleasure.

  The sign "=" denotes that two things are equal.

  connote: (more formal and technical) It refers to all the possible associations that are implied or suggested by a term. Connote is closer in meaning to imply than suggest. signify: To be a sign of.

  It suggests a simple literal meaning and stresses any aspect of conveyed understandings. Sometimes the word is used especially to refer to the deepest import of an expression than to more obvious or superficial aspects

  He signified his agreement by nodding.

  A fever usually signifies a disorder of the body.

  symbolize: To represent by one or more symbols.

  It suggests a rich cluster of abstract concepts that are invested in a word, gesture or object and stresses a deliberate compression of complex idea into a concrete token that stands for them.

  The dove symbolizes peace.

  The sign "+" symbolizes addition in arithmetic.
